Infiltration 1D

Capabilities Tested

  • partially saturated one-dimensional flow

  • steady-state flow

  • pressure and flux boundary conditions

  • porous medium with discontinuous properties (permeability, van Genuchten parameters)


Verification problems from the literature have been identified to test isothermal, single-phase, variably saturated flow. We initially focus on test problems that address the two most widely used k-s-p functions, Mualem-van Genuchten [Mua76] [vG80] and Brooks-Corey [BC64]. These include steady-state and transient tests with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions.

This documentation is intended to compare the results from Amanzi against the semi-analytical results documented in “A set of Analytical Benchmarks to Test Numerical Models of Flow and Transport in Soils.” by J. Vanderborght, et. al. [VKH+05], see the first line in Table 3 of that paper. We consider three cases of the steady-state flux in a layered soil profile. The presure profiles should match that in the Vanderborght paper. The difference between the cases is as follows:

  • case #1 is 0.5 m of clay and 1.5 m of sand;

  • case #2 is 0.5 m of loam and 1.5 m of sand;

  • case #3 is 1.5 m of loam and 0.5 m of sand.


Initial condition. Pressure \(p\) as the function of depths z and time t=0 is 81747 Pa.

Boundary conditions. The pressure at z=0m, the left end in the Figures below, is 99630.6336 Pa. The outflow at the opposite end, z=2m, is fixed at 0.5 cm/d = 5.78703704E-8 m/s.

The absolute permeability tensor is isotropic but discontinuous. The porosity is constant in all tests, \(\phi=0.43\).


Problem Specification

The problem is solved in a box domain with hight 2 m. The other box dimenstions are equal to 1 m.


We consider a column mesh with 200 cells in the vertical direction.

Case #1: Sand Clay Layers

The steady-state solution is shown below. The sand region corresponds to the left part of the pressure profile. The van Genuchten parameters are \(\alpha=1.532333\cdot 10^{-3}\), \(m=0.6666667\), and residual saturation is \(s_r=0.104651\). The absolute permeability is given by the isotropic tensor \(K=1.18472\cdot 10^{-11} [m^2]\).

The clay region corresponds to the right part of the pressure profile. The van Genuchten parameters are \(\alpha=1.02 \cdot 10^{-4}\), \(m=0.0909\), and residual saturation is \(s_r=0.25\). The absolute permeability is given by the isotropic tensor \(K=1.18\cdot 10^{-13} [m^2]\).

Results and Comparison

We compare with the Amanzi’s golden data that were verified against the Vanderborght paper.

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Case #2 Loam Sand Layers

The steady-state solution is shown below. The sand region corresponds to the left part of the pressure profile. The van Genuchten parameters are \(\alpha=1.532333\cdot 10^{-3}\), \(m=0.6666667\), and residual saturation is \(s_r=0.104651\). The absolute permeability is given by the isotropic tensor \(K=1.18472E-11 [m^2]\).

The loam region corresponds to the right part of the pressure profile. The van Genuchten parameters are \(\alpha=4.08622\cdot 10^{-4}\), \(m=0.375\), and residual saturation is \(s_r=0.186047\). The absolute permeability is given by the isotropic tensor \(K=5.9236 \cdot 10^{-13} [m^2]\).

Results and Comparison

We compare with the Amanzi’s golden data that were verified against the Vanderborght paper.

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Case #3: Sand Loam Layers

The steady-state solution is shown below. Now, we swap the sand is loam regions. The van Genuchten parameters are \(\alpha=4.08622\cdot 10^{-4}\), \(m=0.375\), and residual saturation is \(s_r=0.186047\). The absolute permeability is given by the isotropic tensor \(K=5.9236 \cdot 10^{-13} [m^2]\).

The sand region corresponds to the right part of the pressure profile. The van Genuchten parameters are \(\alpha=1.532333\cdot 10^{-3}\), \(m=0.6666667\), and residual saturation is \(s_r=0.104651\). The absolute permeability is given by the isotropic tensor \(K=1.18472 \cdot 10^{-11} [m^2]\).

Results and Comparison

We compare with the Amanzi’s golden data that were verified against the Vanderborght paper.

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)




R.H. Brooks and A.T. Corey. Hydraulic properties of porous media. Hydrology Papers, Colorado State University, 1964.


Y. Mualem. A new model for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated porous media. Water Resour. Res, 12(3):513–522, 1976.


M.T. van Genuchten. A closed-form equation for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J, 44(5):892–898, 1980.


J. Vanderborght, R. Kasteel, M. Herbst, M. Javaux, D. Thiery, M. Vanclooster, C. Mouvet, and H. Vereecken. A set of analytical benchmarks to test numerical models of flow and transport in soils. Vadose Zone J., 4(1):206–221, 2005.


  • Directory: testing/verification/flow/richards/steady-state/infiltration_1d

  • Author:

  • Maintainer: David Moulton (

  • Input Files:

    • amanzi_infiltration_clay_sand_1d-u.xml

    • amanzi_infiltration_loam_sand_1d-u.xml

    • amanzi_infiltration_sand_loam_1d-u.xml

      • Spec 2.3, unstructured mesh framework

      • mesh is generated internally