Generic evaluators#

These evaluators take arguments to allow the user to provide custom functions via the input spec.


A generic evaluator for summing a collection of fields.

additive-evaluator-spec * “constant shift[double] 0 A constant value to add to the sum.

  • “enforce positivity[bool] false If true, max the result with 0.

  • “DEPENDENCY coefficient[double] 1.0 A multiple for each dependency in the list below.


  • “dependencies[Array(string)] The things to sum.


  • “evaluator dependency suffixes[Array(string)]



A generic evaluator for multiplying a collection of fields.

multiplicative-evaluator-spec * “coefficient[double] 1 A constant prefix to the product.

  • “enforce positivity[bool] false If true, max the result with 0.

  • “DEPENDENCY dof[double] 0 Degree of Freedom for each given dependency to use in the multiplication. NOTE, this should only be provided if the dependency has more than 1 DoF – if it just has one leaving this blank results in better error checking than providing the value 0 manually.


  • “dependencies[Array(string)] The fields to multiply.


  • “evaluator dependency suffixes[Array(string)]


Column summation#

Sums a subsurface field vertically only a surface field.

Simple vertical sum of all cells below each surface cell. Note that their are options for including volume factors (multiply by subsurface cell volume, sum, divide by surface cell area) and density (useful for the most common use case of summing fluxes onto the surface and converting to m/s instead of mol/m^2/s).


  • “include volume factor[bool] true In summing, multiply the summand subsurface cell volume, then divide the sum by the surface cell area. Useful for converting volumetric fluxes to total fluxes.

  • “divide by density[bool] true Divide the summand by density. Useful for converting molar fluxes to volumetric fluxes (e.g. transpiration).

  • “column domain name[string] domain The domain of the subsurface mesh. Note this defaults to a sane thing based on the variable’s domain (typically “surface” or “surface_column:*”) and is rarely set by the user.


  • “summed” The summand, defaults to the root suffix of the calculated variable.

  • “cell volume” Defaults to domain’s cell volume.

  • “surface cell volume” Defaults to surface domain’s cell volume.

  • “molar density” Defaults to domain’s molar_density_liquid.

Top cell#

Arbitrary function#

Uses functions to evaluate arbitrary algebraic functions of its dependencies.

For example, one might write a dependency:

VARNAME = 0.2 * DEP1 - DEP2 + 3

“evaluator type” = “secondary variable from function



  • “functions[composite-vector-function-spec-list] Note this is used for multiple Degress of Freedom.


  • “function[composite-vector-function-spec] Used for a single degree of freedom.



<ParameterList name="VARNAME">
  <Parameter name="field evaluator type" type="string" value="algebraic variable from function"/>
  <Parameter name="evaluator dependencies" type="Array{string}" value="{DEP1, DEP2}"/>
  <ParameterList name="function">
    <ParameterList name="function-linear">
      <Parameter name="x0" type="Array(double)" value="{0.0,0.0}" />
      <Parameter name="y0" type="double" value="3." />
      <Parameter name="gradient" type="Array(double)" value="{0.2, -1}" />