Surface Energy Balance PKs#
Integrated hydrology is not much use without significant process complexity in source terms coming from the ecohydrologic environment. These include straightforward sources, like precipitation, but also more complicated ones such as evaporation and transpiration.
These terms are almost always tied up in a surface energy balance – evaporation and transpiration are driven by vapor pressure gradients between the atmosphere and the surface (either snow, ponded water, soil, or leaf). Solving a surface energy balance often requires providing a bunch of terms, including radiated energy, conducted energy, latent and sensible heat models, etc.
ATS currently has several approaches to calculating these – see ats-demos examples on ecohydrology for a more in-depth discussion.
Balance Equation#
A simple conservation ODE.
This is a very simple vector of ODEs, useful in balance equations, where the time derivative of a conserved quantity is determined by a bunch of sources and sinks.
“primary variable key”
The primary variable associated with this PK. Note there is no default – this must be provided by the user.“conserved quantity key”
The conserved quantity \(\Phi\)“source key”
DOMAIN-source_sink Units are in conserved quantity per second per cell volume.“time discretization theta”
1.0 \(\theta\) in a Crank-Nicholson time integration scheme. 1.0 implies fully implicit, 0.0 implies explicit, 0.5 implies C-N.“modify predictor positivity preserving”
false If true, predictors are modified to ensure that the conserved quantity is always > 0.“absolute error tolerance”
550.0 a_tol in the standard error norm calculation. Defaults to a small amount of water. Units are the same as the conserved quantity.
Snow Balance Equation#
An implicit PK for surface balance snow SWE conservation.
This is a balance PK whose conserved quantity is snow SWE. The energy balance comes in as it provides the energy needed to melt snow. So source terms include snow precipitation and snowmelt. It also manages snow density, which should get rethought a bit.
There is also some wierd hackiness here about area fractions – see ATS Issue #8
“absolute error tolerance”
This is a Balance Equation
Not typically set by user, defaults work:
“conserved quantity key”
DOMAIN-snow_water_equivalent Sets the default conserved quantity key, so this is likely not supplied by the user. [m]“snow density key”
DOMAIN-density Default snow density key. [kg m^-3]“snow age key”
DOMAIN-age Default snow age key. [d]“new snow key”
DOMAIN-source Default new snow key. [m SWE s^-1]“area fractions key”
DOMAIN-fractional_areas Subgrid model fractional areas, see note above. [-]“snow death rate key”
DOMAIN-death_rate Deals with last tiny bit of snowmelt.
To accurately predict watershed ecohydrology, a carbon cycle model is needed to predict transpiration. By simulating a carbon cycle, we are able to predict the rate of photosynthesis as a function of space and time, and photosynthesis governs root water uptake. Currently only one big-leaf model is available, but ongoing work is wrapping a generalized Common/Colorado Land Model based on that developed within the ParFlow team, and another ongoing project is working on wrapping kernels from E3SM’s Land Model.
Biogeochemistry – Monolithic Version#
Above and below-ground carbon cycle model.
This is a multi-leaf layer, big-leaf vegetation model coupled to a Century model for belowground carbon decomposition.
It leverages a PFT-based structure which allows multiple height-sorted PFTs to coexist on the same grid cells, with the shorter PFTs getting whatever light is left in the understory.
The implementation is based on an old, standalone code by Chonggang Xu, and adapted for ATS. While this is not simple, it is called BGC simple as it is about the least amount of complexity required to get a reasonable carbon cycle into ATS.
Outputs of this include transpiration, a critical sink for hydrology, as it solves photosynthesis based on water availability.
Note this is an “explicit update PK,” or effectively a forward Euler timestep that is not written in ODE form.
Note this works on both the surface (vegetation) and subsurface (decomposition) meshes. It is required that the subsurface mesh is a “columnar” mesh, and that build_columns in the subsurface Mesh_ spec has been supplied.
“initial time step”
1.0 Initial time step size [s]“number of carbon pools”
7 Unclear whether this can actually change?“soil carbon parameters”
List of soil carbon parameters by soil mesh partition region name.“pft parameters”
List of PFT parameters by PFT name.“latitude [degrees]”
60 Latitude of the simulation in degrees. Used in radiation balance.“wind speed reference height [m]”
2.0 Reference height of the wind speed dataset.“cryoturbation mixing coefficient [cm^2/yr]”
5.0 Controls diffusion of carbon into the subsurface via cryoturbation.“leaf biomass initial condition”
Sets the leaf biomass IC.“domain name”
domain“surface domain name”
surface“transpiration key”
DOMAIN-transpiration The distributed transpiration flux [mol s^-1]“shaded shortwave radiation key”
SURFACE_DOMAIN-shaded_shortwave_radiation Shortwave radiation that gets past the canopy and teo the bare ground for soil evaporation. [W m^-2]“total leaf area index key”
SURFACE_DOMAIN-total_leaf_area_index Total LAI across all PFTs.
“temperature” The soil temperature [K]
“pressure” soil mafic potential [Pa]
“surface-cell_volume” [m^2]
“surface-incoming shortwave radiation” [W m^-2]
“surface-air_temperature” [K]
“surface-vapor_pressure_air” [Pa]
“surface-wind_speed” [m s^-1]
“surface-co2_concentration” [ppm]
The unstructured mesh framework we use provides the opportunity to include deformation of the mesh. This deformation can be done in two ways – either node coordinate changes are provided, or volumetric changes are provided, and the code attempts to iterate toward a global coordinate change that satisfies these volumetric changes. The latter can be somewhat fragile for large deformation, but it does allow simple deformation such as small, somewhat uniform subsidence. The volumetric deformation PK below does this based on a volumetric change given by loss of bulk ice.
Volumetric Deformation#
Subsidence through bulk ice loss and cell volumetric change.
This process kernel provides for going from a cell volumetric change to an updated unstructured mesh, and can be coupled sequentially with flow to solve problems of flow in a subsiding porous media.
Note that this PK is slaved to the flow PK. This PK must be advanced first, and be weakly coupled to the flow PK (or an MPC that advances the flow PK), and the timestep of this PK must match that of the flow PK (e.g. do not try to subcyle one or the other). This uses a rather hacky, unconventional use of time tags, where we use saturations and porosities at the NEXT time, but ASSUME they are actually the values of the CURRENT time. This saves having to stash a copy of these variables at the CURRENT time, which would otherwise not be used.
Note that all deformation here is vertical, and we assume that the subsurface mesh is perfectly columnar and that the “build columns” parameter has been given to the subsurface mesh. See the Mesh_ spec for more.
The process here is governed through two options, the “deformation mode” and the “deformation strategy.”
The deformation mode describes how the cell volume change is calculated. There are three options here:
“prescribed” uses a function to precribe the volume changes as a function of (t,x,y,z).
“structural” decreases the cell volume if the porosity is above a prescribed “structurally connected matrix” porosity. Think of this as bulk ice “propping up” the soil grains – as that bulk ice melts, it reduces porosity toward the porosity in at which grains start to touch again and can be structurally sound.
“saturation” is a heuristic that considers the liquid saturation directly, and tries to relax the liquid saturation back toward a value that is consistent with what the thawed soil should be.
The deformation strategy describes how the cell volume change is turned into node coordinate changes. Three options are available:
“average” simply takes the average of volume change/surface area and horizontally averages this quantity across all neighbors. While this has the advantage of being simple, it has issues when thaw gradients in the horizontal are not zero, as it may result in the loss of volume in a fully frozen cell, blowing up the pressure and breaking the code. This is great when it works, but it almost never works in real problems, except in column-based models, where it is perfect.
“mstk implementation” MSTK implements an iterated, local optimization method that, one-at-a-time, moves nodes to try and match the volumes. This has fewer issues with overfitting, but doesn’t always do sane things, and can be expensive if iterations don’t work well. This is not particularly robust either, but it seems to be the preferred method for 2D/3D problems.
“global optimization” attempts to directly form and solve the minimization problem to find the nodal changes that result in the target volumetric changes. Note this has issues with overfitting, so penalty methods are used to smooth the solution of the problem. This is currently disabled.
NOTE: all deformation options are treated EXPLICITLY, and depend only upon values from the old time.
“max time step [s]”
inf Sets a maximum time step size.“deformation mode”
prescribed See above for descriptions. One of: “prescribed”, “structural”, or “saturation”.“deformation strategy”
global optimization See above for descriptions. One of “average”, “global optimization”, or “mstk implementation”“domain name”
domain The mesh to deform.“surface domain name”
surface The surface mesh.“deformation function”
optional Only used if “deformation mode” == “prescribed”
“saturation_ice” DOMAIN-saturation_ice
“saturation_liquid” DOMAIN-saturation_liquid
“saturation_gas” DOMAIN-saturation_gas
“porosity” DOMAIN-porosity
“cell volume” DOMAIN-cell_volume