Shared Specs#
Initial Conditions#
Initial condition specs are used in three places:
In the “initial conditions” sublist of state, in which the value of atomic constants are provided (not really initial conditions and should be renamed). These atomic values are not controlled by evaluators, and are not included in the DaG.
Within the PK_ spec which describes the initial condition of primary variables (true initial conditions).
The first may be of multiple types of data, while the latter two are nearly always fields on a mesh (e.g. CompositeVectors). The specific available options for initializing various data in state differ by data type.
Value of a scalar constant
Value of a dense, local vector.
Array containing the values of the point.
optional Constant value.“value”
optional Constant value, same as “constant” above.“function”
optional Initialize from a function, see CompositeVectorFunction“restart file”
optional Path to a checkpoint file from which to read the values.“cells from file”
optional Same as “restart file”, but only reads the cell component.“exodus file initialization”
optional See Exodus File Initialization.“initialize from 1D column”
optional See Column File Initialization.
Boundary Conditions#
In general, boundary conditions are provided in a hierarchical list by boundary condition type, then functional form. Boundary condition specs are split between two types – those which require a user-provided function (i.e. Dirichlet data, etc) and those which do not (i.e. zero gradient conditions).
A list of conditions might pull in both Dirichlet and Neumann data on different regions, or use different functions on different regions. The following example illustrates how boundary conditions are prescribed across the domain for a typical PK:
<ParameterList name="boundary conditions">
<ParameterList name="DIRICHLET_TYPE">
<ParameterList name="BC west">
<Parameter name="regions" type="Array(string)" value="{west}"/>
<ParameterList name="DIRICHLET_FUNCTION_NAME">
<ParameterList name="function-constant">
<Parameter name="value" type="double" value="101325.0"/>
<ParameterList name="BC east">
<Parameter name="regions" type="Array(string)" value="{east}"/>
<ParameterList name="DIRICHLET_FUNCTION_NAME">
<ParameterList name="function-constant">
<Parameter name="value" type="double" value="102325."/>
<ParameterList name="water flux">
<ParameterList name="BC north">
<Parameter name="regions" type="Array(string)" value="{north}"/>
<ParameterList name="outward water flux">
<ParameterList name="function-constant">
<Parameter name="value" type="double" value="0."/>
<ParameterList name="zero gradient">
<ParameterList name="BC south">
<Parameter name="regions" type="Array(string)" value="{south}"/>
Different PKs populate this general format with different names, replacing DIRICHLET_TYPE and DIRICHLET_FUNCTION_NAME.
Flow-specific Boundary Conditions#
Flow boundary conditions must follow the general format shown in BoundaryConditions_. Specific conditions implemented include:
Dirichlet (pressure) boundary conditions#
Used for both surface and subsurface flows, this provides pressure data on boundaries (in [Pa]).
<ParameterList name="boundary conditions">
<ParameterList name="pressure">
<ParameterList name="BC west">
<Parameter name="regions" type="Array(string)" value="{west}"/>
<ParameterList name="boundary pressure">
<ParameterList name="function-constant">
<Parameter name="value" type="double" value="101325.0"/>
Dirichlet (head) boundary conditions#
Used for both surface and subsurface flows, this provides head data (in [m] above the land surface), typically as a function of x & y. In the subsurface case, the z-value is given by hydrostatic relative to that head.
where h is the head function provided.
<ParameterList name="boundary conditions">
<ParameterList name="head">
<ParameterList name="BC west">
<Parameter name="regions" type="Array(string)" value="{west}"/>
<ParameterList name="boundary head">
<ParameterList name="function-constant">
<Parameter name="value" type="double" value="0.01"/>
Dirichlet (fixed level) boundary conditions#
This fixes the water table at a constant elevation. It is a head condition that adapts to the surface elevation, adjusting the head to a datum that is a fixed absolute z coordinate.
where h is the head function provided.
<ParameterList name="boundary conditions">
<ParameterList name="fixed level">
<ParameterList name="BC west">
<Parameter name="regions" type="Array(string)" value="{west}"/>
<ParameterList name="fixed level">
<ParameterList name="function-constant">
<Parameter name="value" type="double" value="0.0"/>
Neumann (water flux) boundary conditions#
Used for both surface and subsurface flows, this provides water flux data (in [mol m^-2 s^-1], for the subsurface, or [mol m^-1 s^-1] for the surface, in the outward normal direction) on boundaries.
<ParameterList name="boundary conditions">
<ParameterList name="water flux">
<ParameterList name="BC west">
<Parameter name="regions" type="Array(string)" value="{west}"/>
<ParameterList name="outward water flux">
<ParameterList name="function-constant">
<Parameter name="value" type="double" value="-1.e-3"/>
Neumann (fix level flux) boundary conditions#
Used for surface only, this provides fixed level ([m]) velocity data (in [m s^-1], in the outward normal direction on boundaries.
<ParameterList name="boundary conditions">
<ParameterList name="fixed level flux">
<ParameterList name="river level south">
<Parameter name="regions" type="Array(string)" value="{river south}"/>
<ParameterList name="fixed level">
<ParameterList name="function-constant">
<Parameter name="value" type="double" value="0.5"/>
<ParameterList name="velocity">
<ParameterList name="function-constant">
<Parameter name="value" type="double" value="2.5"/>
Seepage face boundary conditions#
A variety of seepage face boundary conditions are permitted for both surface and subsurface flow PKs. Typically seepage conditions are of the form:
if \(q \cdot \hat{n} < 0\), then \(q = 0\)
if \(p > p0\), then \(p = p0\)
This ensures that flow is only out of the domain, but that the max pressure on the boundary is specified by \(p0\).
Example: pressure (for surface or subsurface)
<ParameterList name="boundary conditions">
<ParameterList name="seepage face pressure">
<ParameterList name="BC west">
<Parameter name="regions" type="Array(string)" value="{west}"/>
<ParameterList name="boundary pressure">
<ParameterList name="function-constant">
<Parameter name="value" type="double" value="101325."/>
Example: head (for surface)
<ParameterList name="boundary conditions">
<ParameterList name="seepage face head">
<ParameterList name="BC west">
<Parameter name="regions" type="Array(string)" value="{west}"/>
<ParameterList name="boundary head">
<ParameterList name="function-constant">
<Parameter name="value" type="double" value="0.0"/>
Additionally, an infiltration flux may be prescribed, which describes the max flux. This is for surface faces on which a typical precipitation rate might be prescribed, to be enforced until the water table rises to the surface, at which point the precip is turned off and water seeps into runoff. This capability is experimental and has not been well tested.
if \(q \cdot \hat{n} < q_0\), then \(q = q_0\)
if \(p > p_{atm}\), then \(p = p_{atm}\)
Note the condition also accepts a parameter:
“explicit time index”
false If true, the _type_ of the BC is evaluated at the old time, keeping it fixed while the nonlinear solve iterates.
Example: seepage with infiltration
<ParameterList name="boundary conditions">
<ParameterList name="seepage face with infiltration">
<ParameterList name="BC west">
<Parameter name="explicit time index" type="bool" value="true"/>
<Parameter name="regions" type="Array(string)" value="{west}"/>
<ParameterList name="outward water flux">
<ParameterList name="function-constant">
<Parameter name="value" type="double" value="-1.e-5"/>
Note it would be straightforward to add both p0 and q0 in the same condition; this has simply not had a use case yet.
Zero head gradient boundary conditions#
Used for surface flows, this is an “outlet” boundary condition which looks to enforce the condition that
for head \(h\) and outward normal \(\hat{n}\). Note that this is an “outlet” boundary, in the sense that it should really not be used on a boundary in which
This makes it a useful boundary condition for benchmark and 2D problems, where the elevation gradient is clear, but not so useful for DEM-based meshes.
<ParameterList name="boundary conditions">
<ParameterList name="zero gradient">
<ParameterList name="BC west">
<Parameter name="regions" type="Array(string)" value="{west}"/>
Critical depth boundary conditions#
Also for surface flows, this is an “outlet” boundary condition which looks to set an outward flux to take away runoff. This condition is given by:
<ParameterList name="boundary conditions">
<ParameterList name="critical depth">
<ParameterList name="BC west">
<Parameter name="regions" type="Array(string)" value="{west}"/>
Dynamic boundary condutions#
The type of boundary conditions maybe changed in time depending on the switch function of TIME.
<ParameterList name="dynamic">
<Parameter name="regions" type="Array(string)" value="{surface west}"/>
<ParameterList name="switch function">
<ParameterList name="function-tabular">
<Parameter name="file" type="string" value="../data/floodplain2.h5" />
<Parameter name="x header" type="string" value="Time" />
<Parameter name="y header" type="string" value="Switch" />
<Parameter name="form" type="Array(string)" value="{constant}"/>
<ParameterList name="bcs">
<Parameter name="bc types" type="Array(string)" value="{head, water flux}"/>
<Parameter name="bc functions" type="Array(string)" value="{boundary head, outward water flux}"/>
<ParameterList name="water flux">
<ParameterList name="BC west">
<Parameter name="regions" type="Array(string)" value="{surface west}"/>
<ParameterList name="outward water flux">
<ParameterList name="function-tabular">
<Parameter name="file" type="string" value="../data/floodplain2.h5" />
<Parameter name="x header" type="string" value="Time" />
<Parameter name="y header" type="string" value="Flux" />
<Parameter name="form" type="Array(string)" value="{linear}"/>
<ParameterList name="head">
<ParameterList name="BC west">
<Parameter name="regions" type="Array(string)" value="{surface west}"/>
<ParameterList name="boundary head">
<ParameterList name="function-tabular">
<Parameter name="file" type="string" value="../data/floodplain2.h5" />
<Parameter name="x header" type="string" value="Time" />
<Parameter name="y header" type="string" value="Head" />
<Parameter name="form" type="Array(string)" value="{linear}"/>
Transport-specific Boundary Conditions#
Energy-specific Boundary Conditions#
Energy boundary conditions must follow the general format shown in BoundaryConditions_. Energy-specific conditions implemented include:
Dirichlet (temperature) boundary conditions#
Provide temperature data in units of [K].
<ParameterList name="boundary conditions">
<ParameterList name="temperature">
<ParameterList name="BC west">
<Parameter name="regions" type="Array(string)" value="{west}"/>
<ParameterList name="boundary temperature">
<ParameterList name="function-constant">
<Parameter name="value" type="double" value="276.15."/>
Neumann (diffusive energy flux) boundary conditions#
Note that for an energy equation, there are two mechanisms by which energy can be fluxed into the domain: through diffusion and through advection. This boundary condition sets the diffusive flux of energy, and allows the advective flux to be whatever it may be. Frequently this is used in combination with boundaries where water is expected to be advected out of the domain, and we wish to allow the energy of that water to be advected away with it, but wish to independently specify diffusive fluxes. This can also be used in cases where the mass flux is prescribed to be zero (e.g. bottom boundaries, where this might be the geothermal gradient).
Units are in [MW m^-2], noting the deviation from SI units!
<ParameterList name="boundary conditions">
<ParameterList name="diffusive flux">
<ParameterList name="BC west">
<Parameter name="regions" type="Array(string)" value="{west}"/>
<ParameterList name="outward diffusive flux">
<ParameterList name="function-constant">
<Parameter name="value" type="double" value="0."/>
Note that another commonly implemented boundary condition is one where the diffusive flux is prescribed, and also the temperature of incoming water is prescribed. This is not currently implemented, but would be straightforward to do so if requested.
Neumann (total energy flux) boundary conditions#
This boundary condition sets the total flux of energy, from both advection and diffusion. This is not used all that often in real applications, but is common for benchmarks or other testing.
Units are in [MW m^-2], noting the deviation from SI units!
<ParameterList name="boundary conditions">
<ParameterList name="enthalpy flux">
<ParameterList name="BC west">
<Parameter name="regions" type="Array(string)" value="{west}"/>
<ParameterList name="outward enthalpy flux">
<ParameterList name="function-constant">
<Parameter name="value" type="double" value="0."/>
A base class for all functions of space and time.
Analytic, algabraic functions of space and time are used for a variety of purposes, including boundary conditions, initial conditions, and independent variables.
For initial conditions, functions are prescribed of space only, i.e.
For boundary conditions and independent variables, functions are also a function of time:
It is straightforward to add new functions as needed.
Constant Function#
FunctionConstant: Implements the Function interface using a constant value.
Constant function is defined as \(f(x) = a\), for all \(x\).
The constant to be applied.
<ParameterList name="function-constant">
<Parameter name="value" type="double" value="1.0"/>
Tabular Function#
FunctionTabular: Piecewise-defined function.
A piecewise function of one variable.
A tabular function is tabulated on a series of intervals; given values \({{x_i}}, {{y_i}},, i=0, ... n-1\) and functional forms \({{f_j}},, j=0, ... n-2\) a tabular function \(f(x)\) is defined as:
The functional forms \({f_j}\) may be constant, which uses the left endpoint, i.e.
\(f_i(x) = y_i\),
linear, i.e.
\(f_i(x) = ( y_i * (x - x_i) + y_{{i+1}} * (x_{{i+1}} - x) ) / (x_{{i+1}} - x_i)\)
or arbitrary, in which the \(f_j\) must be provided.
The \(x_i\) and \(y_i\) may be provided in one of two ways – explicitly in the input spec or from an HDF5 file. The length of these must be equal, and the \(x_i\) must be monotonically increasing. Forms, as defined on intervals, must be of length equal to the length of the \(x_i\) less one.
Explicitly specifying the data:
“x values”
the \(x_i\)“y values”
the \(y_i\)“forms”
optional Form of the interpolant, either “constant”, “linear”, or “USER_DEFINED” Default is linear for each * interval. Note the length of this array should be one per interval, or one less than len of x and y values.“USER_DEFINED”
optional user-provided functional forms on the interval“x coordinate”
t, “x”, “y”, “z” defines which coordinate direction the \(x_i\) are formed, defaulting to time.
The below example defines a function that is zero on interval \((-\infty,\,0]\), linear on interval \((0,\,1]\), constant (f(x)=1) on interval \((1,\,2]\), square root of t on interval \((2,\,3]\), and constant (f(x)=2) on interval \((3,\,\infty]\).
<ParameterList name="function-tabular">
<Parameter name="x values" type="Array(double)" value="{0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0}"/>
<Parameter name="x coordinate" type="string" value="t"/>
<Parameter name="y values" type="Array(double)" value="{0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0}"/>
<Parameter name="forms" type="Array(string)" value="{linear, constant, USER_FUNC}"/>
<ParameterList name="USER_FUNC">
<ParameterList name="function-standard-math">
<Parameter name="operator" type="string" value="sqrt"/>
Loading table from file. (Note that “USER_DEFINED” is not an option here, but could be made so if requested).
filename of the HDF5 data“x header”
name of the dataset for the \(x_i\) in the file“y header”
name of the dataset for the \(y_i\) in the file“forms”
optional, Form of the interpolant, either “constant” or “linear”
The example below would perform linear-interpolation on the intervals provided by data within the hdf5 file “my_data.h5”.
<ParameterList name="function-tabular">
<Parameter name="file" type="string" value="my_data.h5"/>
<Parameter name="x coordinate" type="string" value="t"/>
<Parameter name="x header" type="string" value="/time"/>
<Parameter name="y header" type="string" value="/data"/>
Smooth step Function#
FunctionSmoothStep: a smoothed discontinuity.
A smooth \(C^2\) function f(x) on interval \([x_0,\,x_1]\) is defined such that f(x) = y_0 for x < x0, f(x) = y_1 for x > x_1, and monotonically increasing for \(x \in [x_0, x_1]\) through cubic interpolation.
First fitting point“y0”
First fitting value“x1”
Second fitting point“y1”
Second fitting value
<ParameterList name="function-smooth-step">
<Parameter name="x0" type="double" value="0.0"/>
<Parameter name="y0" type="double" value="0.0"/>
<Parameter name="x1" type="double" value="1.0"/>
<Parameter name="y1" type="double" value="2.0"/>
Polynomial Function#
FunctionPolynomial: a polynomial
A generic polynomial function is given by the following expression:
where \(c_j\) are coefficients of monomials, \(p_j\) are integer exponents, and \(x_0\) is the reference point.
c_j polynomial coefficients“exponents”
p_j polynomail exponents“reference point”
x0 to which polynomial argument is normalized.
<ParameterList name="function-polynomial">
<Parameter name="coefficients" type="Array(double)" value="{1.0, 1.0}"/>
<Parameter name="exponents" type="Array(int)" value="{2, 4}"/>
<Parameter name="reference point" type="double" value="0.0"/>
Multi-variable linear Function#
FunctionLinear: a multivariate linear function.
A multi-variable linear function is formally defined by
with the constant term “math:y_0 and gradient \(g_0,\, g_1\,..., g_{{n-1}}\). If the reference point \(x_0\) is specified, it must have the same number of values as the gradient. Otherwise, it defaults to zero. Note that one of the parameters in a multi-valued linear function can be time.
y_0 in f = y0 + g * (x - x0)“gradient”
g in f = y0 + g * (x - x0)“x0”
x0 in f = y0 + g * (x - x0)
len(x0) == len(gradient)
<ParameterList name="function-linear">
<Parameter name="y0" type="double" value="1.0"/>
<Parameter name="gradient" type="Array(double)" value="{1.0, 2.0, 3.0}"/>
<Parameter name="x0" type="Array(double)" value="{2.0, 3.0, 1.0}"/>
Separable Function#
FunctionSeparable: f(x,y) = f1(x)*f2(y)
A separable function is defined as the product of other functions such as
where \(f_1\) is defined by the “function1” sublist, and \(f_2\) by the “function2” sublist.
\(f_1\) in \(f(x) = f_1(x0) * f_2(x1...)\)“function2”
\(f_2\) in \(f(x) = f_1(x0) * f_2(x1...)\)
<ParameterList name="function-separable">
<ParameterList name="function1">
<ParameterList name="function2">
Additive Function#
FunctionAdditive: f(x,y) = f1(x,y) + f2(x,y)
An additive function simply adds two other function results together.
where \(f_1\) is defined by the “function1” sublist, and \(f_2\) by the “function2” sublist.
\(f_1\) in \(f(x) = f_1(x) + f_2(x)\)“function2”
\(f_2\) in \(f(x) = f_1(x) + f_2(x)\)
<ParameterList name="function-additive">
<ParameterList name="function1">
<ParameterList name="function2">
Multiplicative Function#
FunctionMultiplicative: f(x,y) = f1(x,y) * f2(x,y)
A multiplicative function simply multiplies two other function results together.
where \(f_1\) is defined by the “function1” sublist, and \(f_2\) by the “function2” sublist.
\(f_1\) in \(f(x) = f_1(x) * f_2(x)\)“function2”
\(f_2\) in \(f(x) = f_1(x) * f_2(x)\)
<ParameterList name="function-multiplicative">
<ParameterList name="function1">
<ParameterList name="function2">
Composition Function#
FunctionComposition: f(x,y) = f1(x,y) * f2(x,y)
Function composition simply applies one function to the result of another.
where \(f_1\) is defined by the “function1” sublist, and \(f_2\) by the “function2” sublist.
\(f_1\) in \(f(x) = f_1(f_2(x))\)“function2”
\(f_2\) in \(f(x) = f_1(f_2(x))\)
<ParameterList name="function-composition">
<ParameterList name="function1">
<ParameterList name="function2">
Piecewise Bilinear Function#
FunctionBilinear: a piecewise bilinear function.
A piecewise bilinear function extends the linear form of the tabular function to two variables.
Define \(i(x) = i : x_i < x <= x_{{i+1}}\) and similarly \(j(y) = j : y_j < y <= y_{{j+1}}\) for monotonically increasing \(x_i\) and \(y_j\).
Given a two-dimensional array \(u_{i,j}\), \(f\) is then defined by bilinear interpolation on \(u_{i(x),j(y)}, u_{i(x)+1,j(y)}, u_{i(x),j(y)+1}, u_{i(x)+1,j(y)+1}\), if \((x,y)\) is in \([x_0,x_n] \times [y_0,y_m]\), linear interpolation if one of \(x,y\) are out of those bounds, and constant at the corner value if both are out of bounds.
HDF5 filename of the data“row header”
name of the row dataset, the \(x_i\)“row coordinate”
one of “t”,`”x`”,`”y`”,`”z`”“column header”
name of the column dataset, the \(y_i\)“column coordinate”
one of “t”,`”x`”,`”y`”,`”z`”“value header”
name of the values dataset, the \(u_{{i,j}}\)
<ParameterList name="function-bilinear">
<Parameter name="file" type="string" value="pressure.h5"/>
<Parameter name="row header" type="string" value="/time"/>
<Parameter name="row coordinate" type="string" value="t"/>
<Parameter name="column header" type="string" value="/x"/>
<Parameter name="column coordinate" type="string" value="x"/>
<Parameter name="value header" type="string" value="/pressure"/>
Distance Function#
FunctionDistance: distance from a reference point.
A distance function calculates distance from reference point \(x_0\) using by the following expression:
Note that the first parameter in \(x\) can be time.
Point from which distance is measured.“metric”
Linear scaling metric, typically all 1s.
Here is an example of a distance function using isotropic metric:
<ParameterList name="function-distance">
<Parameter name="x0" type="Array(double)" value="{1.0, 3.0, 0.0}"/>
<Parameter name="metric" type="Array(double)" value="{1.0, 1.0, 1.0}"/>
Monomial Function#
FunctionMonomial: a multivariate monomial function.
A multi-variable monomial function is given by the following expression:
with the constant factor \(c\), the reference point \(x_0\), and integer exponents \(p_j\). Note that the first parameter in \(x\) can be time.
c in \(f = c \prod_{j=0}^{n} (x_j - x_{0,j})^{p_j}\)“x0”
x0 in \(f = c \prod_{j=0}^{n} (x_j - x_{0,j})^{p_j}\)“exponents”
p in \(f = c \prod_{j=0}^{n} (x_j - x_{0,j})^{p_j}\)
len(x0) == len(exponents)
Here is an example of monomial of degree 6 in three variables:
<ParameterList name="function-monomial">
<Parameter name="c" type="double" value="1.0"/>
<Parameter name="x0" type="Array(double)" value="{1.0, 3.0, 0.0}"/>
<Parameter name="exponents" type="Array(int)" value="{2, 3, 1}"/>
Standard Math Function#
Provides access to many common mathematical functions.
These functions allow to set up non-trivial time-dependent boundary conditions which increases a set of analytic solutions that can be used in convergence analysis tests.
Note that these operate only on the first coordinate, which is often time. Function composition can be used to apply these to other coordinates (or better yet a dimension could/should be added upon request).
specifies the name of a standard mathematical function. Available options are:trigonometric operators: “cos”, “sin”, “tan”, “acos”, “asin”, “atan”
hyperbolic trig operators: “cosh”, “sinh”, “tanh”
power/log operators: “pow”, “exp”, “log”, “log10”, “sqrt”,
integral operators: “ceil”, “floor”, “mod”,
“abs”, “fabs”, “positive” (0 for negative values), “negative” (0 for positive values), “heaviside”, “sign”
specifies a multiplication factor a in formula a f(x). The multiplication factor is ignored by function mod. Default value is 1.“parameter”
1.0 specifies additional parameter p for math functions with two arguments. These functions are “a pow(x[0], p)” and “a mod(x[0], p)”. Alternative, scales the argument before application, for use in changing the period of trig functions.“shift”
specifies a shift of the function argument. Default is 0.
<ParameterList name="function-standard-math">
<Parameter name="operator" type="string" value="sqrt"/>
<Parameter name="amplitude" type="double" value="1e-7"/>
<Parameter name="shift" type="double" value="0.1"/>
This example defines function 1e-7 sqrt(t-0.1).
A high-order advection operator may have different domain and range and therefore requires two schemas. The structure of the new schema is described in the previous section. A high-order advection operator has two terms in a weak formulation, corresponding to volume and surface integrals. These two terms are discretixed using two operators with matrix of types advection and flux, respectively.
“pks operator name” [list] a PK specific name for the advection operator.
“method” [string] defines a discretization method. The available option is “dg modal”.
“method order” [int] defines method order. For example, the classical low-order finite volume scheme is equivalent to DG of order 0.
“matrix type” [string] defines matrix type. The supported options are “advection” and “flux”.
“dg basis” [string] defines bases for DG schemes. The available options are “regularized” (recommended), “normalized”, “orthonormalized”, and “natural” (not recommended).
“gradient operator on test function” [bool] defines place of the gradient operator. For integration by parts schemes, the gradient is transfered to a test function. This option is needed for discretizing volumetric integrals.
“jump operator on test function” [bool] defines place of the jump operator. For integration by parts schemes, the jump operator is applied to a test function. This option is needed for discretizing surface fluxes.
“flux formula” [string] defines type of the flux. The available options are “Rusanov” (default), “upwind”, “downwind”, and “NavierStokes”.
“schema domain” [list] defines a discretization schema for the operator domain.
“schema range” [list] defines a discretization schema for the operator range.
<ParameterList name="pks operator name">
<Parameter name="method" type="string" value="dg modal"/>
<Parameter name="method order" type="int" value="2"/>
<Parameter name="flux formula" type="string" value="Rusanov"/>
<Parameter name="matrix type" type="string" value="flux"/>
<Parameter name="jump operator on test function" type="bool" value="true"/>
<ParameterList name="schema domain">
<Parameter name="base" type="string" value="cell"/>
<Parameter name="location" type="Array(string)" value="{node, face}"/>
<Parameter name="type" type="Array(string)" value="{scalar, normal component}"/>
<Parameter name="number" type="Array(int)" value="{2, 1}"/>
<ParameterList name="schema range">
<Parameter name="base" type="string" value="cell"/>
<Parameter name="location" type="Array(string)" value="{cell}"/>
<Parameter name="type" type="Array(string)" value="{scalar}"/>
<Parameter name="number" type="Array(int)" value="{1}"/>
In this example, we construct an operator for volumetric integrals in a weak formulation of advection problem.
The only low-order advection operator in Amanzi is the upwind operator. It employes the old schema.
<ParameterList name="pks operator name">
<Parameter name="base" type="string" value="face"/>
<Parameter name="schema" type="Array(string)" value="{cell}"/>
<Parameter name="method order" type="int" value="0"/>
<Parameter name="matrix type" type="string" value="advection"/>
assembles the discrete form of:
which advects quantity \(C\) with fluxes \(q\).
This is a simple, first-order donor-upwind scheme, and is recommended for use in diffusion-dominated advection-diffusion equations.
Field Initializers#
Fields, also known by their underlying datatype, the CompositeVector, can be initialized in a variety of ways. These are used in a variety of places as generic capability.
Function Initialization#
Mesh Functions, evaluate a function on a mesh and stick the result in a vector.
CompositeVectorFunctions are ways of evaluating a piecewise function on a mesh and sticking the result into a CompositeVector.
This is used in a variety of ways – Initial Conditions, Boundary Conditions, and Independent Variable Evaluators.
Typically any containing object of this spec is a list of these specs. The list is indexed by Region, and the regions (logically) should partition the domain (or boundary of the domain in the case of BCs).
Each entry in that list is a:
Region on which this function is evaluated.
List of regions on which this function is evaluated.
Mesh component to evaluate this on. This is one of “cell”, “face”, “node”, “edge”, or “boundary_face”. The last two may require additional conditions, such as a proper mesh initialization. The mask “*” could be used in place of the component name.
Mesh components to evaluate this on. This is some collection of “cell”, “face”, “node”, “edge”, and/or “boundary_face”. The last two may require additional conditions, such as a proper mesh initialization. The array with the single entry “*” could be used to initialize all existing components.
The spec to provide the actual algebraic function.
Column File Initialization#
Interpolate a depth-based, 1D column of data onto a mesh. Values are prescribed only to cells. Expected is an HDF5 file in the format:
Depth coordinates z:
- /z[:] = (z_0, z_1, … , z_n)
z_0 = 0.0 z_n >= max depth of mesh z_i > z_(i-1)
Function values u:
/f[:] = (f_0(z_0), f_1(z_1), …, f_n(z_n))
HDF5 filename“z header”
name of the z-coordinate data: z above. Depth coordinates (positive downward from the surface), [m]“f header”
name of the function data: f above.