
Operator represents a linear map, and typically encapsulates a discretization.

Operators are discrete forms of linearized PDEs operators. They form a layer between physical process kernels and solvers and include accumulation, diffusion, advection, elasticity, reaction, and source operators. The residual associated with an operator \(L_h\) helps to understand the employed sign convention:

\[r = f - L_h u.\]

Operator represents a map from linear space X to linear space Y. Typically, this map is a linear map, and encapsulates much of the discretization involved in moving from continuous to discrete equations. The spaces X and Y are described by CompositeVectors (CV). A few maps X->Y are supported.

An operator provides an interface for applying both the forward and inverse linear map (assuming the map is invertible).

Typically the Operator is never seen by the user; instead the user provides input information for helper classes based on the continuous mathematical operator and the desired discretization. These helpers build the needed Operator, which may include information from multiple helpers (i.e. in the case of Jacobian Operators for a PDE).

However, one option may be provided by the user, which is related to dealing with nearly singular operators:

  • “diagonal shift[double] 0.0 Adds a scalar shift to the diagonal of the Operator, which can be useful if the Operator is singular or near-singular.

A PK decides how to bundle operators in a collection of operators. For example, an advection-diffusion problem may benefit from using a single operator that combines two operators representing diffusion and advection process. Collection of operators must be used for implicit solvers and for building preconditioners. In such a case, the collections acts as a single operator.

Operators use a few tools that are generic in nature and can be used independently by PKs. The list includes reconstruction and limiting algorithms.


The operators use notion of schema to describe operator’s abstract structure. Old operators use a simple schema which is simply the list of geometric objects where scalar degrees of freedom are defined. New operators use a list to define location, type, and number of degrees of freedom. In addition, the base of local stencil is either face or cell. A rectangular operator needs two schemas do describe its domain (called “schema domain”) and its range (called “schema range”). A square operator may use either two identical schema lists or a single list called “schema”.

<ParameterList name="pks operator name">  <!-- parent list-->
<ParameterList name="schema domain">
  <Parameter name="base" type="string" value="cell"/>
  <Parameter name="location" type="Array(string)" value="{node, face}"/>
  <Parameter name="type" type="Array(string)" value="{scalar, normal component}"/>
  <Parameter name="number" type="Array(int)" value="{2, 1}"/>
<ParameterList name="schema domain">
  <Parameter name="base" type="string" value="cell"/>
  <Parameter name="location" type="Array(string)" value="{node, face}"/>
  <Parameter name="type" type="Array(string)" value="{scalar, normal component}"/>
  <Parameter name="number" type="Array(int)" value="{2, 1}"/>

This example describes a square operator with two degrees of freedom per mesh node and one degree of freedom per mesh face. The face-based degree of freedom is the normal component of a vector field. Such set of degrees of freedom is used in the Bernardi-Raugel element for discretizing Stokes equations. Parameter “base” indicates that local matrices are associated with mesh cells.


PDE_Accumulation assembles the discrete form of \(\frac{\partial A}{\partial t}\).

This class is usually used as part of a preconditioner, providing the linearization:

\[\frac{\partial}{\partial A} \left[ \frac{\partial A}{\partial t} \right]_{A_0} i = \frac{|\Omega_E|}{\Delta t}\]

for a grid element \(\Omega_E\).


  • “entity kind[string] optional Typically set by the PK

  • “number of vectors[int] optional Typically set by the PK


PDE_Diffusion forms local Op s and global Operator s for elliptic equations:

\[\nabla \cdot k \nabla u\]

with a variety of discretizations. Note also, for reasons that are one part historical and potentially not that valid, this also supports and implementation with an advective source, i.e.:

\[\nabla \cdot K k (\nabla (u + b g z))\]

for gravitational terms in Richards equations.

The input spec for a diffusion operator consists of:

  • “discretization primary[string] See below for supported options.

    • “fv: default” the standard two-point flux finite volume discretization

    • “nlfv: default” the nonlinear finite volume method of ???

    • MFD methods, including:

      • “mfd: default

      • “mfd: monotone for hex

      • “mfd: optimized for monotonicity

      • “mfd: two-point flux approximation

      • “mfd: optimized for sparsity

      • “mfd: support operator

Note that the most commonly used are “fv: default” for simple test problems (this method is not particularly accurate for distorted meshes), “mfd: optimized for sparsity” for most real problems on unstructured meshes, and “mfd: optimized for monotonicity” for orthogonal meshes with diagonal tensor/scalar coefficients.

  • “gravity[bool] false specifies if the gravitational flow term is included

  • “Newton correction[string] specifies a model for non-physical terms that must be added to the matrix. These terms represent Jacobian and are needed for the preconditioner. Available options are “true Jacobian” and “approximate Jacobian”. The FV scheme accepts only the first options. The other schemes accept only the second option.

  • “scaled constraint equation[bool] false rescales flux continuity equations on mesh faces. These equations are formed without the nonlinear coefficient. This option allows us to treat the case of zero nonlinear coefficient, which otherwise generates zero rows in the operator, which is then singular. At moment this feature does not work with non-zero gravity term.

  • “constraint equation scaling cutoff[double] specifies the cutoff value for applying rescaling strategy described above.

Diffusion generates local Ops and global Operators for an elliptic operator.

Diffusion is the most frequently used operator. It employs the old schema.

  • “pks operator name” [list] a PK specific name for the diffusion operator.

    • “discretization primary” [string] specifies an advanced discretization method that has useful properties under some a priori conditions on the mesh and/or permeability tensor. The available options are “mfd: optimized for sparsity”, “mfd: optimized for monotonicity”, “mfd: default”, “mfd: support operator”, “mfd: two-point flux approximation”, “fv: default”, and “nlfv: default”. The first option is recommended for general meshes. The second option is recommended for orthogonal meshes and diagonal absolute permeability tensor.

    • “discretization secondary” [string] specifies the most robust discretization method that is used when the primary selection fails to satisfy all a priori conditions. Default value is equal to that for the primary discretization.

    • “diffusion tensor” [string] specifies additional properties of the diffusion tensor. It allows us to solve problems with non-symmetric but positive definite tensors. Available options are symmetric (default) and nonsymmetric.

    • “nonlinear coefficient” [string] specifies a method for treating nonlinear diffusion coefficient, if any. Available options are “none”, “upwind: face”, “divk: cell-face” (default), “divk: face”, “standard: cell”, and “divk: cell-face-twin”. Symmetry preserving methods are the divk-family of methods and the classical cell-centered method (“standard: cell”). The first part of the name indicates the base scheme. The second part (after the semi-column) indicates required components of the composite vector that must be provided by a physical PK. Default is “none”.

    • “schema” [Array(string)] defines the operator stencil. It is a collection of geometric objects. It equals to “{cell}” for finite volume schemes. It is typically “{face, cell}” for mimetic discretizations.

    • “preconditioner schema” [Array(string)] defines the preconditioner stencil. It is needed only when the default assembling procedure is not desirable. If skipped, the “schema” is used instead.

    • “gravity” [bool] specifies if flow is driven also by the gravity.

    • “gravity term discretization” [string] selects a model for discretizing the gravity term. Available options are “hydraulic head” [default] and “finite volume”. The first option starts with equation for the shifted solution, i.e. the hydraulic head, and derives gravity discretization by the reserve shifting. The second option is based on the divergence formula.

    • “gravity magnitude” [double] defined magnitude of the gravity vector.

    • “Newton correction” [string] specifies a model for correction (non-physical) terms that must be added to the preconditioner. These terms approximate some Jacobian terms. Available options are “true Jacobian” and “approximate Jacobian”. The FV scheme accepts only the first options. The othre schemes accept only the second option.

    • “scaled constraint equation” [bool] rescales flux continuity equations on mesh faces. These equations are divided by the nonlinear coefficient. This option allows us to treat the case of zero nonlinear coefficient. At moment this feature does not work with non-zero gravity term. Default is false.

    • “constraint equation scaling cutoff”” [double] specifies the cutoff value for applying rescaling strategy described above.

    • “consistent faces” [list] may contain a “preconditioner” and “linear operator” list (see sections Preconditioners_ and LinearSolvers_ respectively). If these lists are provided, and the “discretization primary” is of type “mfd: *”, then the diffusion method UpdateConsistentFaces() can be used. This method, given a set of cell values, determines the faces constraints that satisfy the constraint equation in MFD by assembling and inverting the face-only system. This is not currently used by any Amanzi PKs.

    • “fracture” [Array(string)] provides list of regions that defines a fracture network. This parameter is used only by the coupled flow PK.


<ParameterList name="pks operator name">
  <Parameter name="discretization primary" type="string" value="mfd: optimized for monotonicity"/>
  <Parameter name="discretization secondary" type="string" value="mfd: two-point flux approximation"/>
  <Parameter name="schema" type="Array(string)" value="{face, cell}"/>
  <Parameter name="preconditioner schema" type="Array(string)" value="{face}"/>
  <Parameter name="gravity" type="bool" value="true"/>
  <Parameter name="gravity term discretization" type="string" value="hydraulic head"/>
  <Parameter name="gravity magnitude" type="double" value="9.81"/>
  <Parameter name="nonlinear coefficient" type="string" value="upwind: face"/>
  <Parameter name="Newton correction" type="string" value="true Jacobian"/>

  <ParameterList name="consistent faces">
    <ParameterList name="linear solver">
    <ParameterList name="preconditioner">

This example creates a p-lambda system, i.e. the pressure is discretized in mesh cells and on mesh faces. The preconditioner is defined on faces only, i.e. cell-based unknowns are eliminated explicitly and the preconditioner is applied to the Schur complement.

Additional options available only for the MFD family of discretizations include:

  • “nonlinear coefficient[string] specifies a method for treating nonlinear diffusion coefficient, if any. Available options are “none”, “upwind: face”, “divk: cell-face” (default), “divk: face”, “standard: cell”, “divk: cell-face-twin” and “divk: cell-grad-face-twin”. Symmetry preserving methods are the divk-family of methods and the classical cell-centered method (“standard: cell”). The first part of the name indicates the base scheme. The second part (after the semi-column) indicates required components of the composite vector that must be provided by a physical PK.

  • “discretization secondary[string] specifies the most robust discretization method that is used when the primary selection fails to satisfy all a priori conditions. This is typically “mfd: default”, and is used only when an MFD “discretization primary” is used.

  • “schema[Array(string)] defines the operator stencil. It is a collection of geometric objects. Typically this is set by the implementation and is not provided.

  • “preconditioner schema[Array(string)] {face,cell} Defines the preconditioner stencil. It is needed only when the default assembling procedure is not desirable. If skipped, the “schema” is used instead. In addition to the default, {face} may be used, which forms the Schur complement.

  • “consistent faces[list] may contain a “preconditioner” and “linear operator” list (see sections Preconditioners_ and LinearSolvers_ respectively). If these lists are provided, and the “discretization primary” is of type “mfd: *”, then the diffusion method UpdateConsistentFaces() can be used. This method, given a set of cell values, determines the faces constraints that satisfy the constraint equation in MFD by assembling and inverting the face-only system. This is not currently used by any Amanzi PKs.

  • “diffusion tensor[string] allows us to solve problems with symmetric and non-symmetric (but positive definite) tensors. Available options are symmetric (default) and nonsymmetric.

  • “use manifold flux[bool] false Computes the flux using algorithms and data structures for manifolds or fracture networks.

Additional options for MFD with the gravity term include:

  • “gravity term discretization[string] selects a model for discretizing the gravity term. Available options are “hydraulic head” (default) and “finite volume”. The first option starts with equation for the shifted solution, i.e. the hydraulic head, and derives gravity discretization by the reserve shifting. The second option is based on the divergence formula.