
A list of mesh objects and their domain names.

All processes are simulated on a domain, which is discretized through a mesh.

Multiple domains and therefore meshes can be used in a single simulation, and multiple meshes can be constructed on the fly. The top level “mesh” is a list of [mesh-typed-spec] sublists whose name indicate the mesh or domain name.

Included in that list is at least one mesh: the “domain” mesh. The “domain” mesh represents the primary domain of simulation – usually the subsurface. Simple, structured meshes may be generated on the fly, or complex unstructured meshes are provided as Exodus II files. The “domain” mesh list includes either a Generated Mesh, Read Mesh File, or Logical Mesh spec, as described below.

Additionally, a Surface Mesh may be formed by lifting the surface of a provided mesh and then flattening that mesh to a 2D surface. Column Meshes which split a base mesh into vertical columns of cells for use in 1D models may also be generated automatically.

Finally, mesh generation is hard and error-prone. A mesh audit is provided, which checks for many common geometric and topologic errors in mesh generation. This is reasonably fast, even for big meshes, and can be done through providing a “verify mesh” option.


  • “mesh type[string] One of:

  • “_mesh_type_ parameters[_mesh_type_-spec] List of parameters associated with the type.

  • “verify mesh[bool] false Perform a mesh audit.

  • “deformable mesh[bool] false Will this mesh be deformed?

  • “build columns from set[string] optional If provided, build columnar structures from the provided set.

  • “partitioner[string] zoltan_rcb Method to partition the mesh. Note this only makes sense on the domain mesh. One of:

    • “zoltan_rcb” a “map view” partitioning that keeps columns of cells together

    • “metis” uses the METIS graph partitioner

    • “zoltan” uses the default Zoltan graph-based partitioner.

Generated Mesh#

Generated mesh are by definition structured, with uniform dx, dy, and dz. Such a mesh is specified by a bounding box high and low coordinate, and a list of number of cells in each direction.

Specified by “mesh type” of “generate mesh”.


  • “domain low coordinate[Array(double)] Location of low corner of domain

  • “domain high coordinate[Array(double)] Location of high corner of domain

  • “number of cells[Array(int)] the number of uniform cells in each coordinate direction


<ParameterList name="mesh">
  <ParameterList name="domain">
    <Parameter name="mesh type" type="string" value="generate mesh"/>
    <ParameterList name="generate mesh parameters"/>
      <Parameter name="number of cells" type="Array(int)" value="{100, 1, 100}"/>
      <Parameter name="domain low coordinate" type="Array(double)" value="{0.0, 0.0, 0.0}" />
      <Parameter name="domain high coordinate" type="Array(double)" value="{100.0, 1.0, 10.0}" />

Read Mesh File#

Meshes can be pre-generated in a multitude of ways, then written to file, and loaded in ATS. Note that in the case of an Exodus II mesh file, the suffix of the serial mesh file must be .exo and the suffix of the parallel mesh file must be .par. When running in serial the code will read this the indicated file directly. When running in parallel with a prepartitioned mesh, the suffix is .par and the code will instead read the partitioned files that have been generated with a Nemesis tool and named as filename.par.N.r where N is the number of processors and r is the rank. When running in parallel and the suffix is .exo, the code will partition automatically the serial file.

Specified by “mesh type” of “read mesh file”.


  • “file[string] filename of a pre-generated mesh file


<ParameterList name="mesh">
  <ParameterList name="domain">
    <Parameter name="mesh type" type="string" value="read mesh file"/>
    <ParameterList name="read mesh file parameters">
      <Parameter name="file" type="string" value="mesh_filename.exo"/>
    <Parameter name="verify mesh" type="bool" value="true" />

Logical Mesh#

Logical meshes are meshes for whom nodal coordinates may not be specified, but sufficient information about the geometry of the conceptual domain can be specified to allow solving problems. This allows for the conceptual generation of domains that “act” like a mesh and can be used like a mesh, but don’t fit MSTK’s view of an unstructured mesh.

This is an active research and development area, and is used most frequently for river networks, root networks, and crack networks.

Specified by “mesh type” of “logical”.


Not yet completed…

Surface Mesh#

To lift a surface off of the mesh, a side-set specifying all surface faces must be given. These faces are lifted locally, so the partitioning of the surface cells will be identical to the partitioning of the subsurface faces that correspond to these cells. All communication and ghost cells are set up. The mesh is flattened, so all surface faces must have non-zero area when projected in the z-direction. No checks for holes are performed. Surface meshes may similarly be audited to make sure they are reasonable for computation.

Specified by “mesh type” of “surface”.


  • “parent domain[string] domain Parent mesh’s name.


  • “surface sideset name[string] The Region_ name containing all surface faces.


  • “surface sideset names[Array(string)] A list of Region_ names containing the surface faces.


  • “verify mesh[bool] false Verify validity of surface mesh.

  • “export mesh to file[string] optional Export the lifted surface mesh to this filename.

  • “create subcommunicator[bool] false If false, the communicator of this mesh is the same as the parent mesh. If true, the communicator of this mesh is the subset of the parent mesh comm that has entries on the surface.


<ParameterList name="mesh" type="ParameterList">
  <ParameterList name="surface" type="ParameterList">
    <Parameter name="mesh type" type="string" value="surface" />
    <ParameterList name="surface parameters" type="ParameterList">
      <Parameter name="surface sideset name" type="string" value="{surface_region}" />
      <Parameter name="verify mesh" type="bool" value="true" />
      <Parameter name="export mesh to file" type="string" value="surface_mesh.exo" />
  <ParameterList name="domain" type="ParameterList">
    <Parameter name="mesh type" type="string" value="read mesh file" />
    <ParameterList name="read mesh file parameters" type="ParameterList">
      <Parameter name="file" type="string" value="../data/open-book-2D.exo" />
      <Parameter name="format" type="string" value="Exodus II" />

Extracted Mesh#

A mesh is created by lifting a subset of entities from a parent mesh. Locality is preserved, so all local entities in this mesh have parents whose entities are local on the parent mesh, so that no communication is ever done when passing info between an parent mesh and an extracted mesh.

Specified by “mesh type” of “extracted”.


  • “parent domain[string] domain Parent mesh’s name.


  • “region[string] The Region_ name containing all surface faces.


  • “regions[Array(string)] A list of Region_ names containing the surface faces.


  • “verify mesh[bool] false Verify validity of surface mesh.

  • “export mesh to file[string] optional Export the lifted surface mesh to this filename.

  • “create subcommunicator[bool] false If false, the communicator of this mesh is the same as the parent mesh. If true, the communicator of this mesh is the subset of the parent mesh comm that has entries on the surface.

Aliased Mesh#

Aliased domains are simply domains that share a mesh with another domain. For instance, one might find it useful to define both a “surface water” and a “snow” domain that share a common “surface” mesh. In that case, typically the “surface” domain would point to the “surface” mesh, and the “snow” domain would be an “aliased” domain whose target is the “surface” mesh.

Specified by “mesh type” of “aliased”.


  • “target[string] Mesh that this alias points to.

Domain Set Meshes#

A collection of meshes formed by associating a new mesh with each entity of a region or set of indices. This includes generating a 1D column for each surface face of a semi-structured subsurface mesh, or for hanging logical meshes off of each surface cell as a subgrid model, etc.

The domain set meshes are then named “MESH_NAME:X” for each X, which can be a local ID of an entity (in the case of “domain set indexed”) or a region name (in the case of “domain set regions”).

Indexed domain set meshes are specified by “mesh type” of “domain set indexed”.


  • “regions[Array(string)] Regions from which indices are created.

  • “entity kind[string] One of “cell”, “face”, etc. Entity of the region (usually “cell”) on which each mesh will be associated.

  • “indexing parent domain[string] domain Mesh which includes the above region.

  • “referencing parent domain[string] optional Mesh from which the entities of the mesh will be extracted. For instance, columns may be indexed from a surface mesh and referenced from the volume mesh below that surface.

Note, additionally, there must be a sublist of the name of the domain set, which itself is a “mesh-typed-spec”_, but may be missing some info (e.g. “entity LID”) that is filled in by this index.


<ParameterList name="column:*" type="ParameterList">
  <Parameter name="mesh type" type="string" value="domain set indexed" />
  <ParameterList name="domain set indexed parameters" type="ParameterList">
    <Parameter name="indexing parent domain" type="string" value="surface" />
    <Parameter name="entity kind" type="string" value="cell" />
    <Parameter name="referencing parent domain" type="string" value="domain" />
    <Parameter name="regions" type="Array(string)" value="{surface}" />
    <ParameterList name="column:*" type="ParameterList">
      <Parameter name="mesh type" type="string" value="column" />
      <ParameterList name="column parameters" type="ParameterList">
        <Parameter name="parent domain" type="string" value="domain" />

Region-based domain set meshes are specified by “mesh type” of “domain set regions”.


  • “regions[Array(string)] Regions from which indices are created.

  • “entity kind[string] One of “cell”, “face”, etc. Entity of the region (usually “cell”) on which each mesh will be associated.

  • “indexing parent domain[string] domain Mesh which includes the above region.

  • “referencing parent domain[string] optional Mesh from which the entities of the mesh will be extracted. For instance, columns may be indexed from a surface mesh and referenced from the volume mesh below that surface.

Note, additionally, there must be a sublist of the name of the domain set, which itself is a “mesh-typed-spec”_, but may be missing some info (e.g. “region”) that is filled in by this domain set.

Example: the below example shows how to extract two subdomains, making them each a proper mesh whose communicators only live where they have cells, thereby decomposing the domain mesh into two subdomains.

<ParameterList name="watershed:*" type="ParameterList">
  <Parameter name="mesh type" type="string" value="domain set regions" />
  <ParameterList name="domain set regions parameters" type="ParameterList">
    <Parameter name="indexing parent domain" type="string" value="domain" />
    <Parameter name="entity kind" type="string" value="cell" />
    <Parameter name="referencing parent domain" type="string" value="domain" />
    <Parameter name="regions" type="Array(string)" value="{upstream, downstream}" />
    <ParameterList name="watershed:*" type="ParameterList">
      <Parameter name="mesh type" type="string" value="extracted" />
      <ParameterList name="extracted parameters" type="ParameterList">
        <Parameter name="parent domain" type="string" value="domain" />
        <Parameter name="create subcommunicator" type="bool" value="true" />

Column Meshes#


Note these are rarely if ever created manually by a user. Instead use Domain Set Meshes, which generate a column mesh spec for every face of a set.

Specified by “mesh type” of “column”.


  • “parent domain[string] The name of the 3D mesh from which columns are generated. Note that the “build columns from set” parameter must be set in that mesh.

  • “entity LID[int] Local ID of the surface cell that is the top of the column.

  • “verify mesh[bool] false Verify validity of surface mesh.

  • “deformable mesh[bool] false Used for deformation PKs to allow non-const access.


<ParameterList name="mesh" type="ParameterList">
  <ParameterList name="column" type="ParameterList">
    <ParameterList name="column parameters" type="ParameterList">
      <Parameter name="parent domain" type="string" value="domain" />
      <Parameter name="entity LID" type="int" value="0" />
  <ParameterList name="domain" type="ParameterList">
    <Parameter name="mesh type" type="string" value="read mesh file" />
    <ParameterList name="read mesh file parameters" type="ParameterList">
      <Parameter name="file" type="string" value="../data/open-book-2D.exo" />
      <Parameter name="format" type="string" value="Exodus II" />

Column Surface Meshes#


Note these are rarely if ever created manually by a user. Instead use Domain Set Meshes, which generate a column surface mesh spec for every face of a set.

Specified by “mesh type” of “column surface”.


  • “parent domain[string] The name of the 3D mesh from which columns are generated. Note that the “build columns from set” parameter must be set in that mesh.

  • “surface region[string] Region of the surface of the parent mesh.

  • “verify mesh[bool] false Verify validity of surface mesh.

  • “deformable mesh[bool] false Used for deformation PKs to allow non-const access.