A base class for assembled preconditioners.
This sublist contains entries for various preconditioners required by a simulation. At the moment, we support Trilinos multilevel preconditioner, Hypre BoomerAMG preconditioner, ILU preconditioner, Hypre’s ILU preconditioner, and identity preconditioner.
“preconditioning method” [string] defines preconditioner algorithm.
“xxx parameters” [list] provides parameters for the preconditioner specified by parameter “preconditioning method”.
<ParameterList> <!-- parent list -->
<ParameterList name="preconditioners">
<ParameterList name="_TRILINOS ML">
<Parameter name="preconditioning method" type="string" value="ml"/>
<ParameterList name="ml parameters">
<ParameterList name="_HYPRE AMG">
<Parameter name="preconditioning method" type="string" value="boomer amg"/>
<ParameterList name="boomer amg parameters">
<ParameterList name="_BLOCK ILU">
<Parameter name="preconditioning method" type="string" value="block ilu"/>
<ParameterList name="block ilu parameters">
<ParameterList name="_DIAGONAL">
<Parameter name="preconditioning method" type="string" value="diagonal"/>
Identity as a preconditioner.
Simply copies the input vector to the output – uses the Identity matrix as a preconditioner.
This is provided when using the “preconditioning method”=`”identity`” in the Preconditioner spec.
No parameters are required.
Diagonal preconditioner.
Simply applys the pointwise inverse of the diagonal of the matrix as an extremely cheap matrix.
This is provided when using the “preconditioning method”=`”diagonal`” in the Preconditioner spec.
No parameters are required.
Block ILU#
Ifpack suite of preconditioners, including block ILU.
The Ifpack (Incomplete Factorization Package) from Trilinos provides additive-Schwarz-based incomplete factorization methods, including ILU and many others.
The method is provided in the parent list, e.g. “preconditioning method” = “ifpack: METHOD” when calling the Preconditioner factory.
Valid methods include:
“point relaxation” : Additive Schwarz + relaxation
“block relaxation” : Additive Schwarz + block relaxation
“Amesos” : Additive Schwarz with Amesos on block
“IC” : Additive Schwarz + Incomplete Cholesky (symmetry required)
“ICT” : Additive Schwarz + tolerance based Incomplete Cholesky (symmetry required)
“ILU” : Additive Schwarz + Incomplete LU
“ILUT” : Additive Schwarz + tolerance based Incomplete LU
“block ilu” : is the same as “ILU”, as this is the legacy Amanzi name.
Note that all of these can be used without Additive Schwarz by appending “stand-alone”.
The full list of relevant parameters is somewhat method-dependent, and is documented extensively in the Trilinos Documentation.
Here we document a subset of the most frequently used parameters – advanced users should read the Ifpack User Guide above to see all options.
“schwarz: combine mode”
Add Note that “Zero” may perform better for nonsymmetric cases.“overlap”
0 overlap of the Additive Schwarz“fact: relax value”
0.0 If nonzero, dropped values are added to the diagonal (times this factor).“fact: absolute threshold”
0.0 Defines the value to add to each diagonal element (times the sign of the actual diagonal element).“fact: relative threshold”
1.0 Multiplies the diagonal by this value before checking the threshold.“fact: level-of-fill”
“schwarz: combine mode”
Add Note that “Zero” may perform better for nonsymmetric cases.“overlap”
0 overlap of the Additive Schwarz“relaxation: type”
Jacobi“relaxation: sweeps”
1“relaxation: damping factor”
“schwarz: combine mode”
Add Note that “Zero” may perform better for nonsymmetric cases.“overlap”
0 overlap of the Additive Schwarz“amesos: solver type”
<ParameterList name="block ilu parameters">
<Parameter name="fact: relax value" type="double" value="1.0"/>
<Parameter name="fact: absolute threshold" type="double" value="0.0"/>
<Parameter name="fact: relative threshold" type="double" value="1.0"/>
<Parameter name="fact: level-of-fill" type="int" value="0"/>
<Parameter name="overlap" type="int" value="0"/>
<Parameter name="schwarz: combine mode" type="string" value="Add"/>
Boomer AMG and Euclid#
Hypre based preconditioners include Algebraic MultiGrid and global ILU
Boomer AMG is a HYPRE product consisting of a variety of Algebraic Multigrid methods. It is accessed through Ifpack.
This is provided when using the “preconditioning method”=`”boomer amg`” or “preconditioning method” = “hypre: boomer amg” in the Preconditioner spec.
0. If is not zero, the preconditioner is dynamic and approximate the inverse matrix with the prescribed tolerance (in the energy norm ???).“smoother sweeps”
3 defines the number of smoothing loops. Default is 3.“cycle applications”
5 defines the number of V-cycles.“strong threshold”
0.5 defines the number of V-cycles. Default is 5.“relaxation type”
6 defines the smoother to be used. Default is 6 which specifies a symmetric hybrid Gauss-Seidel / Jacobi hybrid method. TODO: add others!“coarsen type”
0 defines the coarsening strategy to be used. Default is 0 which specifies a Falgout method. TODO: add others!“max multigrid levels”
optionally defined the maximum number of multigrid levels.“use block indices”
false If true, uses the “systems of PDEs” code with blocks given by the SuperMap, or one per DoF per entity type.“number of functions”
1 Any value > 1 tells Boomer AMG to use the “systems of PDEs” code with strided block type. Note that, to use this approach, unknowns must be ordered with DoF fastest varying (i.e. not the native Epetra_MultiVector order). By default, it uses the “unknown” approach in which each equation is coarsened and interpolated independently.“nodal strength of connection norm”
tells AMG to coarsen such that each variable has the same coarse grid - sometimes this is more “physical” for a particular problem. The value chosen here for nodal determines how strength of connection is determined between the coupled system. I suggest setting nodal = 1, which uses a Frobenius norm. This does NOT tell AMG to use nodal relaxation. Default is 0.“verbosity”
0 prints a summary of run time settings and timing information to stdout. “1” prints coarsening info, “2” prints smoothing info, and “3’” prints both.
<ParameterList name="boomer amg parameters">
<Parameter name="tolerance" type="double" value="0.0"/>
<Parameter name="smoother sweeps" type="int" value="3"/>
<Parameter name="cycle applications" type="int" value="5"/>
<Parameter name="strong threshold" type="double" value="0.5"/>
<Parameter name="coarsen type" type="int" value="0"/>
<Parameter name="relaxation type" type="int" value="3"/>
<Parameter name="verbosity" type="int" value="0"/>
<Parameter name="number of functions" type="int" value="1"/>
ILU is a Parallel Incomplete LU, provided as part of the HYPRE project through the Ifpack interface.
This is provided when using the “preconditioning method”=`”ILU`” or =`”hypre: ILU`” in the Preconditioner spec.
“ilu(k) fill level”
1 The factorization level.“ilut drop tolerance”
0 Defines a drop tolerance relative to the largest absolute value of any entry in the row being factored.“verbosity”
0 Prints a summary of runtime settings and timing information to stdout.
ML (Trilinos AMG)#
Trilinos ML smoothed aggregation multigrid.
This is provided when using the “preconditioning method”=`”ml`” in the Preconditioner spec.
no input spec defined
See also:
<ParameterList name="ml parameters">
<Parameter name="ML output" type="int" value="0"/>
<Parameter name="aggregation: damping factor" type="double" value="1.33"/>
<Parameter name="aggregation: nodes per aggregate" type="int" value="3"/>
<Parameter name="aggregation: threshold" type="double" value="0.0"/>
<Parameter name="aggregation: type" type="string" value="Uncoupled"/>
<Parameter name="coarse: type" type="string" value="Amesos-KLU"/>
<Parameter name="coarse: max size" type="int" value="128"/>
<Parameter name="coarse: damping factor" type="double" value="1.0"/>
<Parameter name="cycle applications" type="int" value="2"/>
<Parameter name="eigen-analysis: iterations" type="int" value="10"/>
<Parameter name="eigen-analysis: type" type="string" value="cg"/>
<Parameter name="max levels" type="int" value="40"/>
<Parameter name="prec type" type="string" value="MGW"/>
<Parameter name="smoother: damping factor" type="double" value="1.0"/>
<Parameter name="smoother: pre or post" type="string" value="both"/>
<Parameter name="smoother: sweeps" type="int" value="2"/>
<Parameter name="smoother: type" type="string" value="Gauss-Seidel"/>