Time Integrators#

Currently there are two classes of time integration schemes used in ATS: explicit (including a range of single and multi-stage) methods and BDF1, or Backward Euler.

Explicit Time Integration#

Explicit time integration methods in a generalized form.

This class implements several explicit Runge Kutta methods:

  • forward Euler (1st order) –> “forward_euler”

  • Heun-Euler method (2nd order) –> “heun_euler”

  • Midpoint method (2nd order) –> “midpoint”

  • Ralston method (2nd order) –> “ralston”

  • TVD RK method (3rd order) –> “tvd_3rd_order”

  • Kutta method (3rd order) –> “kutta_3rd_order”

  • Runge Kutta (4th order) –> “runge_kutta_4th_order”

  • User defined (whatever) –> user_defined, use special constructor to create

Note that user-defined is only for developers currently, and cannot be created from an input file.

The RK tableau is made up of the three private objects a, b, and c below. they are arranged as follows:

Note that c[0] should always equal zero, and that the entries in the matrix a that are not listed in this tableau are not used

The implemented general Runge Kutta scheme of order s based on this tableau arrangement is

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}y_{n+1} = y_n + \sum{i=0}^{s-1} b[i]*k_i\\with\\\begin{split} k_0 = h * f(t_n, y_n) \\ k_1 = h * f(t_n + c[1]*h, y_n + a(1,0)*k_0) \\ k_2 = h * f(t_n + c[2]*h, y_n + a(2,0)*k_0 + a(2,1)*k_1) \\ . \\ . \\ . \\ k_{s-1} = h * f(t_n + c[s-1]*h, y_n + a(s-1,0)*k_0 + ... + a(s-1,s-2)*k_{s-2})\end{split}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]


  • “verbose object[verbose-object-spec] A `Verbose Object`_

  • “RK method[string] forward euler One of: “forward Euler”, “heun euler”, “midpoint”, “ralston”, “tvd 3rd order”, “kutta 3rd order”, “runge kutta 4th order

Backward Euler#

Solves globally implicit systems using backward Euler

Backward Euler is the simplest of the implicit methods. It solves time integration schemes by evaluating all time derivatives at the new time. This makes it unconditionally stable, though potentially not very accurate. This unconditional stability tends to make it the workhorse of the types of stiff, nonlinear parabolic equations such as Richards equation and the diffusion wave approximation.

In this method, we look to solve:

\[\frac{\partial \mathbf{u}}{\partial t} = f(\mathbf{u},\mathbf{x},t)\]

via the time discretization scheme:

\[\frac{\mathbf{u}^{t + \Delta t} - \mathbf{u}^{t}}{\Delta t} = f(\mathbf{u}^{t + \Delta t}, \mathbf{x}, t + \Delta t)\]


  • “verbose object[verbose-object-spec] A `Verbose Object`_

  • “residual debugger[residual-debugger-spec] A `Residual Debugger`_ object.

  • “max preconditioner lag iterations[int] 0 specifies frequency of preconditioner recalculation.

  • “freeze preconditioner[bool] false enforces preconditioner to be updated only once per non-linear solver. When set to true, the above parameter is ignored.

  • “extrapolate initial guess[bool] true identifies forward time extrapolation of the initial guess.

  • “nonlinear iteration initial guess extrapolation order[int] 1 defines extrapolation algorithm. Zero value implies no extrapolation.

  • “restart tolerance relaxation factor[double] 1 Changes the nonlinear tolerance on restart. The time integrator is usually restarted when a boundary condition changes drastically. It may be beneficial to loosen the nonlinear tolerance on the first several time steps after the time integrator restart. The default value is 1, while a reasonable value may be as large as 1000.

  • “restart tolerance relaxation factor damping[double] 1 Controls how fast the loosened nonlinear tolerance will revert back to the one specified in “nonlinear tolerance”. If the nonlinear tolerance is “tol”, the relaxation factor is “factor”, and the damping is “d”, and the time step count is “n” then the actual nonlinear tolerance is “tol * max(1.0, factor * d ** n)”. Reasonable values are between 0 and 1.

INCLUDES - [solver-typed-spec] Uses a Solver_. - [timestep-controller-typed-spec] Uses a Timestep Controller

Note this also accepts an object that provides the BDF1 Solver Interface.

<ParameterList name="time integrator">
  <Parameter name="time integration method" type="string" value="BDF1"/>
  <ParameterList name="BDF1">
    <Parameter name="max preconditioner lag iterations" type="int" value="5"/>
    <Parameter name="freeze preconditioner" type="bool" value="false"/>
    <Parameter name="extrapolate initial guess" type="bool" value="true"/>
    <Parameter name="nonlinear iteration initial guess extrapolation order" type="int" value="1"/>
    <Parameter name="restart tolerance relaxation factor" type="double" value="1.0"/>
    <Parameter name="restart tolerance relaxation factor damping" type="double" value="1.0"/>

    <Parameter name="timestep controller type" type="string" value="standard"/>
    <ParameterList name="timestep controller standard parameters">

    <Parameter name="solver type" type="string" value="nka"/>
    <ParameterList name="nka parameters">

BDF1 Solver Interface#

Timestep Controller#

Factory for creating TimestepController objects

A TimestepController object sets what size timestep to take. This can be a variety of things, from fixed timestep size, to adaptive based upon error control, to adapter based upon simple nonlinear iteration counts.

Available types include:


  • “timestep controller type[string] Set the type. One of: “fixed”, “standard”, “smarter”, “adaptive”, or “from file

  • “timestep controller X parameters[list] List of parameters for a timestep controller of type X.

Timestep Controller Fixed#

Timestep controller providing constant timestep size.

TimestepControllerFixed is a simple timestep control mechanism which sets a constant timestep size. Note that the actual timestep size is given by the minimum of PK’s initial timestep sizes.

No parameters are required.

Timestep Controller Standard#

Simple timestep control based upon previous iteration count.

This is a simple timestep control mechanism which sets the next timestep based upon the previous timestep and how many nonlinear iterations the previous timestep took to converge.

The timestep for step \(k+1\), \(\Delta t_{k+1}\), is given by:

  • if \(N_k > N^{max}\) then \(\Delta t_{k+1} = f_{reduction} * \Delta t_{k}\)

  • if \(N_k < N^{min}\) then \(\Delta t_{k+1} = f_{increase} * \Delta t_{k}\)

  • otherwise \(\Delta t_{k+1} = \Delta t_{k}\)

where \(\Delta t_{k}\) is the previous timestep and \(N_k\) is the number of nonlinear iterations required to solve step \(k\):.


  • “max iterations[int] \(N^{max}\), decrease the timestep if the previous step took more than this.

  • “min iterations[int] \(N^{min}\), increase the timestep if the previous step took less than this.

  • “time step reduction factor[double] \(f_{reduction}\), reduce the previous timestep by this multiple.

  • “time step increase factor[double] \(f_{increase}\), increase the previous timestep by this multiple.

  • “max time step[double] The max timestep size allowed.

  • “min time step[double] The min timestep size allowed. If the step has failed and the new step is below this cutoff, the simulation fails.

<ParameterList name="BDF1"> <!-- parent list -->
  <Parameter name="timestep controller type" type="string" value="standard"/>
  <ParameterList name="timestep controller standard parameters">
    <Parameter name="min iterations" type="int" value="10"/>
    <Parameter name="max iterations" type="int" value="15"/>
    <Parameter name="time step increase factor" type="double" value="1.2"/>
    <Parameter name="time step reduction factor" type="double" value="0.5"/>
    <Parameter name="max time step" type="double" value="1e+9"/>
    <Parameter name="min time step" type="double" value="0.0"/>

In this example, the time step is increased by factor 1.2 when the nonlinear solver converges in 10 or less iterations. The time step is not changed when the number of nonlinear iterations is between 11 and 15. The time step will be cut twice if the number of nonlinear iterations exceeds 15.

Timestep Controller Smarter#

Slightly smarter timestep controller based upon a history of previous timesteps.

This is based on Timestep Controller Standard, but also tries to be a bit smarter to avoid repeated increase/decrease loops where the step size decreases, converges in few iterations, increases, but then fails again. It also tries to grow the step geometrically to more quickly recover from tricky nonlinearities.


  • “max iterations[int] \(N^{max}\), decrease the timestep if the previous step took more than this.

  • “min iterations[int] \(N^{min}\), increase the timestep if the previous step took less than this.

  • “time step reduction factor[double] \(f_{reduction}\), reduce the previous timestep by this multiple.

  • “time step increase factor[double] \(f_{increase}\), increase the previous timestep by this multiple. Note that this can be modified geometrically in the case of repeated successful steps.

  • “max time step increase factor[double] 10. The max \(f_{increase}\) will ever get.

  • “growth wait after fail[int] Wait at least this many timesteps before attempting to grow the timestep after a failed timestep.

  • “count before increasing increase factor[int] Require this many successive increasions before multiplying \(f_{increase}\) by itself.

Timestep Controller Adaptive#

Adaptive timestep control based upon previous iteration count.

This is under development and is based on a posteriori error estimates.

Timestep Controller From File#

Timestep controller which loads a timestep history from file.

This loads a timestep history from a file, then advances the step size with those values. This is mostly used for testing purposes, where we need to force the same timestep history as previous runs to do regression testing. Otherwise even machine roundoff can eventually alter number of iterations enough to alter the timestep history, resulting in solutions which are enough different to cause doubt over their correctness.


  • “file name[string] Path to hdf5 file containing timestep information.

  • “timestep header[string] Name of the dataset containing the history of timestep sizes.