Amanzi/ATS publications and conference proceedings
Berre, I. et al., 2020. Verification benchmarks for single-phase flow in three-dimensional fractured porous media. Advances in Water Resources, xxx.
Bui, Q.M., Elman, H. & Moulton, J.D., 2017. Algebraic multigrid preconditioners for multiphase flow in porous media. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 39(5), pp.S662–S680.
Bui, Q.M., Wang, L. & Osei-Kuffuor, D., 2018. Algebraic multigrid preconditioners for two-phase flow in porous media with phase transitions. Advances in Water Resources, 114, pp.19–28.
Freshley, M. et al., 2014. Advanced Simulation Capability for Environmental Management Initial User Release. In Proceedings of the Waste Management Conference.
Garimella, R.V. et al., 2014. Mesh infrastructure for coupled multiprocess geophysical simulations. Procedia Engineering, 82, pp.34–45.
Libera, A. et al., 2019. Climate change impact on residual contaminants under sustainable remediation. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 226, p.103518.
Lipnikov, K., Manzini, G., et al., 2016. The mimetic finite difference method for elliptic and parabolic problems with a staggered discretization of diffusion coefficient. J. Comput. Phys., 305, pp.111–126.
Lipnikov, K., Moulton, D. & Svyatskiy, D., 2016. New preconditioning strategy for Jacobian-free solvers for variably saturated flows with Richards equation. Adv. Water Resour., 94, pp.11–22.
Manzini, G. et al., 2017. Convergence analysis of the mimetic finite difference method for elliptic problems with staggered discretizations of diffusion coefficients. SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 55(6), pp.2956–2981.
Wainwright, H. et al., 2015. Advanced simulation capability for environmental management, integrated toolsets and simulator to enhance public communication. In Proceedings of the Waste Management Conference.
Wainwright, H. et al., 2017. Coupling big data analytics and reactive transport modeling for cost-effective groundwater monitoring. In Proceedings of the Waste Management Conference.
Wainwright, H. et al., 2016. Effective long-term monitoring strategies by integrating reactive transport models with in situ geochemical measurements. In Proceedings of the Waste Management Conference.
Wainwright, H. et al., 2020. Sustainable Remediation in Complex Geologic Systems. In R. A. Scott, ed. Encyclopedia of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry.
Advanced Terrestrial Simulator (ATS)
Abolt, C.J. et al., 2020. Feedbacks between surface deformation and permafrost degradation in ice wedge polygons, Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 125, p.e2019JF005349.
Abolt, C.J. et al., 2018. Microtopographic control on the ground thermal regime in ice wedge polygons. The Cryosphere, 12, pp.1957–1968.
Atchley, A.L. et al., 2016. Influences and interactions of inundation, peat, and snow on active layer thickness. Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, pp.5116–5123.
Atchley, A.L. et al., 2015. Using field observations to inform thermal hydrology models of permafrost dynamics with ATS (v0.83). Geoscientific Model Development, 8(9), pp.2701–2722.
Coon, E.T., Moulton, J.D. & Painter, S.L., 2016. Managing complexity in simulations of land surface and near-surface processes. Environmental Modelling &Software, 78, pp.134–149.
Dubey, A. et al., 2017. Software Process for Multiphysics Multicomponent Codes. In J. Carver, N. Chue Hong, & G. K. Thiruvathukal, eds. Software Engineering for Science. Chapman and Hall/CRC, pp. 632–641.
Grenier, C. et al., 2018. Groundwater flow and heat transport for systems undergoing freeze-thaw: Intercomparison of numerical simulators for 2D test cases. Advances in Water Resources, 114, pp.196–218.
Harp, D.R. et al., 2016. Effect of soil property uncertainties on permafrost thaw projections: a calibration-constrained analysis. The Cryosphere, 10(1), pp.341–358.
Jafarov, E.E. et al., 2018. Modeling the role of preferential snow accumulation in through talik development and hillslope groundwater flow in a transitional permafrost landscape. Environmental Research Letters, 13(10), p.105006.
Jan, A., Coon, E.T., Graham, J.D., et al., 2018. A subgrid approach for modeling microtopography effects on overland flow. Water Resources Research, 54, pp.6153–6167.
Jan, A., Coon, E.T., Painter, R., S.L. Garimella, et al., 2018. An intermediate-scale model for thermal hydrology in low-relief permafrost-affected landscapes. Computational Geosciences, 22, pp.163–177.
Jan, A., Coon, E.T. & Painter, S.L., 2019. Evaluating integrated surface/subsurface permafrost thermal hydrology models in ATS (v0.88) against observations from a polygonal tundra site. Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss.
Kollet, S. et al., 2017. The integrated hydrologic model intercomparison project, IH-MIP2: A second set of benchmark results to diagnose integrated hydrology and feedbacks. Water Resources Research, 53, pp.867–890.
Özgen-Xian, I. et al., 2020. Wavelet-based local mesh refinement for rainfall-runoff simulations. Journal of Hydroinformatics.
Painter, S.L. et al., 2016. Integrated surface/subsurface permafrost thermal hydrology: Model formulation and proof-of-concept simulations. Water Resour. Res., 22, pp.6062–6077.
Painter, S.L., Moulton, J.D. & Wilson, C.J., 2013. Modeling challenges for predicting hydrologic response to degrading permafrost. Hydrogeol. J., 21(1), pp.221–224.
Schuh, C., Frampton, A. & Christiansen, H.H., 2017. Soil moisture redistribution and its effect on inter-annual active layer temperature and thickness variations in a dry loess terrace in Adventdalen, Svalbard. The Cryosphere, 11, pp.635–651.
Sjoberg, Y. et al., 2016. Thermal effects of groundwater flow through subarctic fens: A case study based on field observations and numerical modeling. Water Resour. Res., 52, pp.1591–1606.
Xu, Z., Molins, S., et al., 2018. A Reactive Transport Modeling Approach for Understanding Concentration-Discharge in East River, Colorado. In AGU Fall Meeting. pp. 2018:H13E–08.
Xu, Z., Dwivedi, D., et al., 2018. A Reactive Transport Modeling Approach for Understanding Concentration-Discharge in East River, Colorado. In Computational Methods of Water Resources XXII Conference.
Xu, Z. et al., 2019. Understanding Integrated Hydrology and Geochemistry Processes in a Mountainous Watershed Using the Advanced Terrestrial Simulator (ATS). In AGU Fall Meeting.