Manage Complexity
Accelerate UnderstandingAbout Amanzi
Amanzi provides a flexible and extensible flow and reactive transport
simulation capability for environmental applications. It runs in
parallel, accurately represents complex topography and stratigraphy, and
leverages advanced discretizations and solvers. Amanzi has been used
to model contaminant migration at various DOE legacy waste sites,
including the Nevada National Security Site and (e.g., Hanford, and
Savannah River).
The multiphysics framework in Amanzi, called Arcos, provides modelers
with flexibility to creatively isolate, decompose, and explore reduced
and mixed-dimensional model configurations to develop understanding
and make predictions.
About ATS
The Advanced Terrestrial Simulator is a code for solving ecosystem-based, integrated, distributed hydrology. It builds on the multi-physics framework and toolsets (mesh infrastructure, discretizations, solvers) provided by Amanzi. The ATS has been used to model thermal integrated (surface/subsurce) hydrology in polygonal Arctic tundra, integrated hydrology in pristine and watersheds (e.g., East River Watershed, CO), and to explore the impact of disturbances such as wildfire, on watershed function.
Ready to get started?
Visit Amanzi on GitHub to download and build.
Visit ATS on GitHub to download and build.