Quickstart Using Bootstrap


The Amanzi code is built using several required and optional Third Party Libraries (TPLs). The script bootstrap.sh located in the config directory is designed to build most of the TPLs and the Amanzi source code on most UNIX-like OS (including Mac OSX). It will also execute the included test suite. A full set of options and defaults using <amanzi source root>/config/bootstrap.sh --help.

The following pacakges are required before executing bootstrap.sh

  • A recent and stable GCC or Intel compiler. We have successfully built with GNU versions 4.x to 9.x,Apple LLVM version 10.0.1 and Intel versions 11 to 17.

  • Git version 1.8 or higher.

  • OpenSSL (required to build CURL) installation. This is available on most UNIX flavored systems and Macs.

  • BLAS/LAPACK built and tuned to the target architecture. See the Trilinos Configuration section for more information.

  • A location to install all the TPLs. The entire software stack will be installed in directories rooted to this directory. Since the download–patch-build-install cycle for each TPL is tied to a single target, the user must have read and write permission for this location.

  • The build directory will need approximately 2.1 Gb of space (for staticlly linked build) and the install directory tree requires 300 Mb.

The Amanzi build system utilizes CMake (version 3.11.4 or higher). If boostrap.sh does not find the cmake executable, it will download and install CMake 3.11.4.

Amanzi is a parallel project; therefore, a working MPI installation is required. MPI installation directory and compiler wrapper locations can be specified through bootstrap.sh options. If the MPI location is not specified the script will search common locations. If working mpi wrappers are not found, the script will download and install OpenMPI 1.4.4. See the Obtaining MPI section on how to obtain and install other mpi implementations.

At this time, the script does not build compilers, LAPACK, or BLAS. See the Obtaining A Supported Compiler section on how to obtaion a supported compiler and the Obtaining LAPACK/BLAS section for LAPACK and BLAS suggestions.

Bootstrap.sh Execution

After obtaining the Amanzi source code, the TPLs and source can be built utilizing the script bootstrap.sh located in <amanzi source root>/config/. The script will create two directories in the current working directory. The first is TPL_BUILD for downloading and building the TPLs. The second is amanzi-build, where the Amanzi source code will be built and the test suite executed, if enabled. The TPLs and Amanzi will be installed in the location specified by the option --prefix, $HOME/amanzi by default. All options and defaults can be printed using the --help option.

Building TPLs and Amanzi

Choose a location to build the TPLs and Amanzi. From that location execute <amanzi source root>/config/bootstrap.sh. The full list of options and defaults is printed using the --help option.

Below are a selection of common and useful options.

Specify TPL and Amanzi installation directory:

--prefix=<install dir>

Specify MPI install location:

--with-mpi=<mpi install dir>

Specify MPI compilers:

--with-c-compiler=<mpi install dir>/bin/mpicc
--with-cxx-compiler=<mpi install dir>/bin/mpicxx
--with-fort-compiler=<mpi install dir>/bin/mpif90

Specify processor count for parallel building:


Enable/Disable capabilities, mesh toolkits, and the test suite:

--enable-structured or disable-structured
--enable-unstructured or disable-unstructured

Disabling the test suite is recommended on HPC clusters. The test suite can be manually run on commute nodes using make test in the amanzi-build directory.:


Building Amanzi Only

TPLs are updated less frequently than the Amanzi source code. Therefore, users may wish to build Amanzi without rebuilding the TPLs. The bootstrap.sh script installs the CMake configuration file in the install directory under tpls/share/cmake. To skip rebuilding the TPLs use the following option.:

--tpl-config-file=<install dir>/tpls/share/cmake/amanzi-tpl-config.cmake

Example bootstrap.sh Command Line

The following example command line is from a Mac OS X system using openmpi installed through MacPorts:

sh <amanzi_source_path>/config/bootstrap.sh --parallel=4 \
                                            --with-c-compiler=/opt/local/bin/openmpicc \
                                            --with-cxx-compiler=/opt/local/bin/openmpicxx \
                                            --with-fort-compiler=/opt/local/bin/openmpif90 \
                                            --prefix=<ascem_path>/install \
                                            --with-cmake=/usr/bin/cmake \
                                            --with-mpi=/opt/local \
                                            --enable-test_suite \