Chemistry in Amanzi with Alquimia

Amanzi makes available through the Alquimia interface geochemical capabilities available in widely used geochemical codes.

The geochemical capabilities of the reactive transport code PFLOTRAN ( and are available within Amanzi through the Alquimia interface. The specifications required for a PFLOTRAN input file are available in the PFLOTRAN User Manual (

The geochemical capabilities of the reactive transport code CRUNCHFLOW ( are available through the Alquimia interface. The User Manual for CRUNCHFLOW can be found here:

For convenience, the user is kindly referred to the examples available in the Amanzi documentation (see Chemistry), and the related input files available in the repository, for additional examples of input files for the different geochemical engines.

About Alquimia

Alquimia is a biogeochemistry API and wrapper library that provides a unified interface to the biogeochemistry routines from high quality reactive transport simulators such as PFLOTRAN or CrunchFlow, allowing any subsurface flow and transport simulator to access a range of functionality.

The official repository for Alquimia API documentation and reference API is The alquimia API is intended to be open and implemented by anyone. The reference implementation developed by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is open source, licensed under a BSD License.