class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Amanzi-ATS Transport ] .subtitle[ ## Hands-on tutorial ] .author[ ### Phong Le, Ethan Coon (ORNL)
Daniil Svyatsky (LANL)
] .date[ ### November 14, 2024 ] --- # Goals <br> - Understand the basics of the .content-box-purple[`transport PK`] - Build simple to advanced transport models with .content-box-yellow[`Amanzi-ATS`] - .content-box-red[Visualize and analyze] `Amanzi-ATS` model outputs --- # Website <br> **Github
:** [``]( <br> **Slides for tutorial:** [``]( <br> .font70[ **Other `Amanzi-ATS` resources:** - Documentation: [``]( - Short course: [``]( - Regression tests: [``]( - Demos: [``]( ] --- # Setting up environment <br> - Pull the `docker`
image ```bash docker pull --platform linux/amd64 metsi/ideas-watersheds-all-hands-2024:latest ``` <br> - Run the `docker` container to start the `JupyterLab` server ```bash docker run -p 8888:8888 metsi/ideas-watersheds-all-hands-2024:latest ``` --- # VSCode and Dev Containers <br> ### If you prefer VSCode/Cursor editors, use the extensions: - .content-box-green[`Dev Containers`] to connect to the container and edit files (e.g., `XML`). - .font90[Convenient for data transfer between `host` and `container`] <br> - .content-box-purple[`jupyter`] to edit/run notebooks inside the container with VSCode. --- # Clone the repository <br /> - In the `JupyterLab` server, open a terminal and run:
```bash git clone ``` --- # Outlines <br> #### .blockquote[Integrated hydrology:] - Understand and run the model (2-D & 3-D) - Visualize and interpret the outputs #### .blockquote[Transport Modeling:] - **Catchment scale:** 2-D & 3-D transport across the entire domain - **River network scale:** 1-D transport within the river corridor - .content-box-green[Develop and couple] transport models with integrated hydrology - Visualize and interpret results --- class: phong-dark # .brand-orange[Integrated hydrology model] --- # Integrated hydrology model **Water mass conservation equations:** .pull-left-21[ - Surface $$ \frac{\partial \Theta_s}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot \vec{\mathbf{q}_s} = Q_s + Q_e$$ - Subsurface $$ \frac{\partial \Theta_g}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot \vec{\mathbf{q}_g} = Q_g$$ .font80[**where:**] ] .pull-right-12[ <img src="imgs/hydro_domain.png" height="300px"/> ] .content-box-yellow[ .pull-left[.font70[ - `\(\Theta_s = \eta \times h\)`: .brand-blue[mass of water per unit surface area (mol/m^2)] - `\(q_s\)`: .brand-blue[surface water flux (mol/m/s)] - `\(\eta\)`: .brand-blue[molar density of liquid water (mol/m^3)] - `\(h\)`: .brand-blue[ponded depth (m)] ]] .pull-right[.font70[ - `\(\Theta_g = \eta \times S_w \times \phi\)`: .brand-blue[subsurface water content (mol/m^3)] - `\(q_g\)`: .brand-blue[flux of water in the subsurface (mol/m^2/s)] - `\(S_w\)`: .brand-blue[water saturation (m^3/m^3)] - `\(\phi\)`: .brand-blue[medium porosity (m^3/m^3)] ]] ] .footnote[```Molins et al. (2022)```] --- # Steps to Construct a Model .pull-left-64[ .font90[ - **.brand-blue[Simulation domains]**
- Where the processes happen - .content-box-green[**.brand-blue[Dependency graph]**
] - Which `PKs` to use and how they are coupled - **.brand-blue[Model parameters]**
- Physical and numerical properties - **.brand-blue[Initial and boundary conditions]**
- State of the system at `\(t=t_0\)` - How system behaves at the boundaries at `\(t \ge t_0\)` - **.brand-blue[Forcing, sources and sinks]**
- External forces that drive changes in the system - Material or energy added/removed to/from the system ]] -- <br> .pull-right-46[ **ATS `xml` top level list:** ```r Main - mesh: ["mesh-typed-spec-list"] - regions: ["region-typedinline-spec-list"] - cycle driver: ["coordinator-spec"] - PKs: ["pk-typedinline-spec-list"] - state: ["state-spec"] *- visualization: ["visualization-spec-list"] *- checkpoint: ["checkpoint-spec"] *- observations: ["observation-spec-list"] ``` ] .footnote[[ATS Documentation](] --- # Domain of simulation .pull-left-31[ <iframe width="800" height="550" src="imgs/domain.html", frameborder="0"></iframe> ] .pull-right-13[ <br> <br> .font60[ .content-box-purple[ .center[.brand-blue[**Entire Catchment**]] **Dimensions:** 400 x 500 m **\# of surface cells:** 1521 **\# of river corridor cells:** 62 **\# of soil layers:** 7 **\# of subsurface cells:** 10647 `\(\Delta\)`z = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.4, 0.4] ** Soil thickness:** 1.5 (m) ]] .font60[ .content-box-yellow[ .center[.brand-red[
**Square City**]] **Dimensions:** 50 x 50 m **\# of surface cells:** 92 ]] ] .font60[.footnote[<a href="imgs/domain.html" target="_blank">```domain of simulation```</a>]] --- # Dependency Graph - Integrated Hydrology .pull-left-64[ <iframe src="imgs/dependency_hydro.html" width="600" height="500" frameborder="0"></iframe> ] .font70[ - **PK:** [`Process kernels`]( - **MPC:** [`Multi-process-couplers`]( ] -- .pull-right-46[ .font70[ ```xml <ParameterList name="Main"> <ParameterList name="cycle driver"> <ParameterList name="PK tree"> <ParameterList name="flow coupler"> <Parameter name="PK type" type="string" value="coupled water" /> <ParameterList name="flow"> <Parameter name="PK type" type="string" value="richards flow" /> </ParameterList> <ParameterList name="overland flow"> <Parameter name="PK type" type="string" value="overland flow, pressure basis" /> </ParameterList> </ParameterList> </ParameterList> </ParameterList> * OTHER LISTS... <ParameterList name="PKs"> <ParameterList name="flow coupler"> <Parameter name="PK type" type="string" value="coupled water" /> <Parameter name="PKs order" type="Array(string)" value="{flow, overland flow}" /> </ParameterList> * OTHER PKS (i.e., flow, overland flow) </ParameterList> </ParameterList> ``` ]] --- # Hydrology Model Parameters .small[ .pull-left-64[ - Surface $$ \frac{\partial \eta h}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot \mathbf{q}_s = Q_s + Q_e$$ - Subsurface $$ \frac{\partial \eta S_w \phi}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot \mathbf{q}_g = Q_g$$ ]] -- .footnotesize[.pull-right-46[ <br> `$$\mathbf{q}_s = -\eta h \frac{h^{4/3}} {n_{mann} \sqrt{|\nabla z|} } \nabla (\eta + z)$$` <br> `$$\mathbf{q}_g = -\frac{\eta}{\mu} k_r K (\nabla p + \rho g\mathbf{z})$$` .content-box-green[ - `\(n_{mann}\)`: Manning's coefficient - `\(\mu\)`: liquid viscosity - `\(k_r\)`: relative permeability - `\(K\)`: absolute permeability - ... ]] ] -- .pull-left[ .font50[ ```xml <ParameterList name="state"> <ParameterList name="evaluators"> * OTHER EVALUATORS ... <ParameterList name="viscosity_liquid"> <Parameter name="evaluator type" type="string" value="independent variable constant" /> <Parameter name="value" type="double" value="0.00059" /> </ParameterList> <ParameterList name="surface-manning_coefficient"> <Parameter name="evaluator type" type="string" value="independent variable constant" /> <Parameter name="value" type="double" value="0.15" /> </ParameterList> <ParameterList name="permeability"> <Parameter name="evaluator type" type="string" value="independent variable constant" /> <Parameter name="value" type="double" value="5e-13" /> </ParameterList> <ParameterList name="relative_permeability"> <Parameter name="evaluator type" type="string" value="relative permeability, water retention model" /> <Parameter name="model parameters" type="string" value="WRM parameters" /> </ParameterList> * OTHER EVALUATORS ... </ParameterList> </ParameterList> ``` ]] --- # Forcings & sources/sinks <br /> .pull-left[ <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-4-1.png" width="864" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .content-box-purple[.small[`No source/sink in this example`]] ] .pull-right[ .font80[ ```xml <ParameterList name="state"> <ParameterList name="evaluators"> <ParameterList name="surface-water_source"> <Parameter name="evaluator type" type="string" value="independent variable" /> <ParameterList name="function"> <ParameterList name="domain rain"> <Parameter name="region" type="string" value="surface domain" /> <Parameter name="component" type="string" value="cell" /> * <ParameterList name="function"> * <ParameterList name="function-tabular"> * <Parameter name="x values" type="Array(double)" value="{0, 57600}" /> * <Parameter name="y values" type="Array(double)" value="{5e-06, 0}" /> * <Parameter name="forms" type="Array(string)" value="{constant}" /> * </ParameterList> * </ParameterList> </ParameterList> </ParameterList> </ParameterList> </ParameterList> ``` ]] --- # Initial and boundary conditions .pull-left[ #### .blockquote[Initial conditions .gray[(true)]] .small[ - located inside each PK in the `xml` file - can be: - created from functions - loaded from files (e.g. checkpoints) ] #### .blockquote[Boundary conditions] .small[ - located inside each PK in the `xml` file - if not specified, no-flow BCs are applied ]] .pull-right[ .font80[ ```xml <ParameterList name="flow"> * <ParameterList name="initial condition"> <Parameter name="hydrostatic head [m]" type="double" value="-1.1" /> <Parameter name="hydrostatic water density [kg m^-3]" type="double" value="1000" /> </ParameterList> * <ParameterList name="boundary conditions"> </ParameterList> </ParameterList> ... <ParameterList name="overland flow"> * <ParameterList name="initial condition"> <Parameter name="initialize surface head from subsurface" type="bool" value="true" /> </ParameterList> * <ParameterList name="boundary conditions"> <ParameterList name="zero gradient"> <ParameterList name="outlet"> <Parameter name="regions" type="Array(string)" value="{surface outlet face}" /> </ParameterList> </ParameterList> </ParameterList> </ParameterList> ``` ]] .footnote[`See the documentation for details about ICs and BCs:` [``](] --- class: phong-dark # .brand-orange[Transport hands-on] --- # Transport <br> .pull-left[ **Advection-Dispersion Equation (ADE):** $$ \frac{\partial (\Theta C)}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot(\mathbf{u} C) - \nabla \cdot (D \Theta \nabla C) + S = 0 $$ ] .pull-right[ .font80[ .content-box-purple[ - `\(C\)`: .brand-blue[the concentration of the solute (molC/molH2O)], - `\(S\)`: .brand-blue[any source term], - `\(D\)`: .brand-blue[diffusion coefficient (m^2/s)], - `\(\mathbf{u}\)`: .brand-blue[the flow velocity field (m/s)]. ]]] -- <br> <br> .green[ **For transport in a subsurface domain** (`\(\Omega \in \mathbb{R}^3\)`): `\(\Theta = \eta \phi S_w\)`, `\(\mathbf{u}=q_g\)`, `\(D=D_g\)`. ] -- <br> .orange[ **For transport in a surface domain** (`\(\Omega \in \mathbb{R}^n\)`; `\(n=1,2\)`): `\(\Theta = \eta h\)`, `\(\mathbf{u}=q_s\)`, `\(D=D_s\)`. ] --- # Dependency Graph - Transport Let's construct the **dependency graph** (or `PK tree`) for the integrated transport model. <iframe src="imgs/dependency.html" width="1200" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe> .footnote[ <a href="imgs/dependency_transport.html" target="_blank">```graph: transport```</a> <a href="imgs/dependency_transport_reactive.html" target="_blank">```graph: reactive transport```</a> <a href="imgs/dependency_transport_reactive_ecohydrology.html" target="_blank">```graph: reactive transport & ecohydrology```</a> ] --- # Transport Model Parameters **Advection-Dispersion Equation (ADE):** $$ \frac{\partial (\Theta C)}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot(\mathbf{u} C) - \nabla \cdot (D \Theta \nabla C) + S = 0 $$ -- .pull-left[ .small[ - `\(C\)`: .brand-red[unknown concentration]
`we want it` - `\(S\)`: .brand-red[source term]
`we specify it` - `\(D\)`: .brand-red[dispersion coefficient]
`we specify it` - `\(\mathbf{u}, \Theta\)`:
.content-box-green[`from the hydrology model`] - `\(\Theta_g = \eta \times \phi \times S_w\)`, `\(\mathbf{u}=q_g\)` - `\(\Theta_s = \eta \times h\)`, `\(\mathbf{u}=q_s\)` ]] -- .pull-right[ .footnotesize[ ```xml <ParameterList name="TRANPORT_PK"> * <ParameterList name="source terms"> <ParameterList name="component mass source"> <ParameterList name="SOURCE_NAME"> <Parameter name="component names" type="Array(string)" value="{TRACER_NAME}"/> <Parameter name="regions" type="Array(string)" value="{REGION}"/> <Parameter name="spatial distribution method" type="string" value="METHOD"/> <ParameterList name="source function"> <<<<< FUNCTION DEFINITION >>>>> </ParameterList> </ParameterList> </ParameterList> </ParameterList> <ParameterList name="material properties"> <ParameterList name="domain"> <Parameter name="regions" type="Array(string)" value="{REGION_DOMAIN}" /> <<<<< OTHERS PARAMETERS >>>>> <ParameterList name="parameters for scalar"> * <Parameter name="dispersion coefficient [m^2 s^-1]" type="double" value="####" /> </ParameterList> </ParameterList> </ParameterList> </ParameterList> ``` ]] --- # Initial and boundary conditions <br /> **Initial conditions** - We set concentration to zero everywhere at the beginning ```xml <ParameterList name="TRANPORT_PK"> <ParameterList name="initial condition" type="ParameterList"> <Parameter name="constant" type="double" value="0" /> </ParameterList> </ParameterList> ``` **Boundary conditions** - We use no-flux BCs at the boundaries
`do not need to specify` --- # Sources and sinks - We inject tracer at a constant rate at the city for a short period of time .small[ ```xml <ParameterList name="TRANPORT_PK"> * <ParameterList name="source terms"> <ParameterList name="component mass source"> <ParameterList name="Tracer injection"> <Parameter name="component names" type="Array(string)" value="{Tracer1}" /> <Parameter name="regions" type="Array(string)" value="{tracer_injection}" /> <Parameter name="spatial distribution method" type="string" value="volume" /> <ParameterList name="source function"> <ParameterList name="function-tabular" type="ParameterList"> <Parameter name="x values" type="Array(double)" value="{ 0,14400,18000}" /> <Parameter name="y values" type="Array(double)" value="{ 0, 1000, 0}" /> <Parameter name="forms" type="Array(string)" value="{constant, constant}" /> </ParameterList> </ParameterList> </ParameterList> </ParameterList> </ParameterList> </ParameterList> ``` .content-box-purple[`volume`]: source is considered as extensive quantity (molC/s) and is evenly distributed across the region. ]