Unstructured Input Specification for Amanzi 1.6-dev#


The Amanzi simulator evolves a system of conservation equations for reacting flows in porous media, as detailed in the ASCEM report entitled “Amanzi Theory Guide, Mathematical Modeling Requirement” (hereafter referred to as the ‘Amanzi Theory Guide (ATG)’). The purpose of the present document is to specify the data required to execute Amanzi. This specification should be regarded as a companion to the ATG, and parameterizations of the individual submodels are consistent between Amanzi, the ATG and this document. Where applicable, the relevant sections of the ATG are indicated.

All data required to execute Amanzi is specified within an XML formated file laid out according to the Amanzi input schema. The current version of the Amanzi schema is located with the Amanzi source code repository. The following discusses each section of the schema, its purpose and provides examples. Further details can be found in the schema document doc/input_spec/schema/amanzi.xsd.

Please note, many attributes within the XML list a limited set of specified values. During validation of the input file or initialization of Amanzi the values in the user provided input file will be compared against the limited set provided in the XML Schema document. Errors will occur is the values do not match exactly. These values are CASE SENSITIVE. The Amanzi schema has been designed will all LOWER CASE values. Please note this when writing input file. In particular, “Exodus II” will be evaluated as “exodus ii”.

All user-defined names are capitalized to highlight that they are not a part of the input spec.

Amanzi Input#

Here, the user specifies which version of the input the input file adheres to. The user also specifies the overall type of simulation being run. Amanzi supports both structured and unstructured numerical solution approaches. This flexibility has a direct impact on the selection and design of the underlying numerical algorithms, the style of the software implementations, and, ultimately, the complexity of the user-interface. The attribute type is used to selected between the following:

  • Structured: This instructs Amanzi to use BoxLib data structures and an associated paradigm to numerically represent the flow equations. Data containers in the BoxLib software library, developed by CCSE at LBNL, are based on a hierarchical set of uniform Cartesian grid patches. Structured requires that the simulation domain be a single coordinate-aligned rectangle, and that the “base mesh” consists of a logically rectangular set of uniform hexahedral cells. This option supports a block-structured approach to dynamic mesh refinement, wherein successively refined subregions of the solution are constructed dynamically to track “interesting” features of the evolving solution. The numerical solution approach implemented under the Structured framework is highly optimized to exploit regular data and access patterns on massively parallel computing architectures.

  • Unstructured: This instructs Amanzi to use data structures provided in the Trilinos software framework. To the extent possible, the discretization algorithms implemented under this option are largely independent of the shape and connectivity of the underlying cells. As a result, this option supports an arbitrarily complex computational mesh structure that enables users to work with numerical meshes that can be aligned with geometrically complex man-made or geostatigraphical features. Under this option, the user typically provides a mesh file that was generated with an external software package. The following mesh file formats are currently supported: “Exodus II”. Amanzi also provides a rudimentary capability to generate regular meshes within the unstructured framework internally.

An example root tag of an input file would look like the following.

<amanzi_input version="2.2.1" type="unstructured"/>

Model Description#

This allows the users to provide a name and general description of model being developed. This is also the section in which the units for the problem are stored. This entire section is optional but encouraged as documentation.

<model_description name="NAME of MODEL" >
    Required Elements: NONE
    Optional Elements: comment, author, created, modified, model_id, description, purpose, units, coordinate_system


The units element defines the default units to be assumed for the entire input file. Amanzi’s internal default units are SI units. Conversion from the listed units to Amanzi’s internal default units is done during conversion of this spec to the internal (developers’) spec.

units has the optional elements of length, time, mass, and concentration. Each of those in turn have their own structure. The structures are as follows.


    Required Elements: NONE
    Optional Elements: length_unit, time_unit, mass_unit, conc_unit

Acceptable values for each unit are as follows:

Units Elements

Value Options


km, m, yr, ft, in, or cm


y, noleap, d, h, min, or s


ton, kg, g, or lb


m3, gal, or L




molar, SI, ppm, or ppb


K, X, or F

derived units

Pa, and J

Here is an overall example for the model description element.

<model_description name="DVZ 3layer 2D">
  <comments>This is a simplified 3-layer DVZ problem in 2D with two cribs (Flow+Transport)</comments>
  <model_name>DVZ 3layer</model_name>


The coordinate_system element defines the coordinate system via a comma-separqted list of names of coordinate axes. The admissible values are x, y, and z. If this element is not specified, the natual default values are used.


Definitions allows the user the define and name constants, times, and macros to be used in later sections of the input file. This is to streamline the look and readability of the input file. The user should take care not to reuse names within this section or other sections. This may have unindented consequences.

    Required Elements: NONE
    Optional Elements: constants, macros


Here the user can define and name constants to be used in other sections of the input file. Note that if a name is repeated the last read value will be retained and all others will be overwritten. See Constants for specifying time units other than seconds.

    Required Elements: NONE
    Optional Elements: constant, time_constant, numerical_constant, area_mass_flux_constant

A constant has three attributes name, type, and value. The user can provide any name, but note it should not be repeated anywhere within the input to avoid confusion. The available types include: “none”, “time”, “numerical”, and “area_mass_flux”. Values assigned to constants of type “time” can include known units, otherwise seconds will be assumed as the default. See Constants for specifying time units other than seconds.

<constant name="STRING" type="none | time | numerical | area_mass_flux" value="constant_value"/>

A time_constant is a specific form of a constant assuming the constant type is a time. It takes the attributes name and value where the value is a time (time unit optional).

<time_constant name="NAME of TIME" value="time,y|d|h|s"/>

A numerical_constant is a specific form of a constant. It takes the attributes name and value.

<numerical_constant name="NAME of NUMERICAL CONSTANT" value="value_constant"/>

A area_mass_flux_constant is a specific form of a constant. It takes the attributes name and value where the value is an area mass flux.

<area_mass_flux_constant name="NAME of FLUX CONSTANT" value="value_of_flux"/>


The macros section defines time, cycle, and variable macros. These specify a list or interval for triggering an action, particularly, writing out visualization, checkpoint, walkabout, or observation files.

    Required Elements: NONE
    Optional Elements: time_macro, cycle_macro


The time_macro requires an attribute name. The macro can then either take the form of one or more labeled time subelements or the subelements start, timestep_interval, and stop again containing labeled times. A stop value of -1 will continue the cycle macro until the end of the simulation. The labeled times can be time values assuming the default time unit of seconds or including a known time unit.

<time_macro name="NAME of MACRO">


<time_macro name="NAME of MACRO">
  <start> time_value </start>
  <timestep_interval> time_interval_value </timestep_interval>
  <stop> time_value | -1 </stop>


The cycle_macro requires an attribute name and the subelements start, timestep_interval, and stop with integer values. A stop value of -1 will continue the cycle macro until the end of the simulation.

<cycle_macro name="NAME of MACRO">
  <start> cycle_value </start>

An example definition section would look as the following:

    <constant name="BEGIN"            type="none"           value="0.000"/>
    <constant name="START"            type="time"           value="1956.0,y"/>
    <constant name="B-18_RELEASE_END" type="time"           value ="1956.3288,y"/>
    <constant name="future_recharge"  type="area_mass_flux" value="1.48666e-6"/>
    <numerical_constant name="ZERO" value="0.000"/>
    <time_macro name="MACRO 1">
    <cycle_macro name="EVERY_1000_TIMESTEPS">

Execution Controls#

The execution_controls section defines the general execution of the Amanzi simulation. Amanzi can execute in four modes: steady state, transient, transient with static flow, or initialize to a steady state and then continue to transient. The transient with static flow mode does not compute the flow solution at each time step. During initialization the flow field is set in one of two ways: (1) A constant Darcy velocity is specified in the initial condition; (2) Boundary conditions for the flow (e.g., pressure), along with the initial condition for the pressure field are used to solve for the Darcy velocity. At present this mode only supports the “Single Phase” flow model.

    Required Elements: execution_control_defaults, execution_control (1 or more)
    Optional Elements: comments, verbosity, restart | initialize

The execution_controls block is required.


The verbosity element specifies the level of output messages provided by Amanzi. If not present, the default value of “medium” will be used.

<verbosity level="none | low | medium | high | extreme" />

A level of “extreme” is recommended for developers. For users trying to debug input files or monitor solver performance and convergence “high” is recommended.

Restart, Initialize#

The restart and initialize elements specify the name of an Amanzi checkpoint file used to initialize a run. Only one of these two may be present. restart indicates that the run is to be continued from where it left off. initialize indicates that a completely new run is desired, but that the state fields in the named checkpoint file should be used to initialize the state, rather than the initial conditions block in the input.



The execution_control_defaults element specifies default values to be utilized when not specified in individual execution_control elements. For a valid execution_controls section the execution_control_defaults element is required. The attributes available are:

Attribute Names

Attribute Type

Attribute Values



time value(,unit)



time value(,unit)



factor for reducing time step



factor for increasing time step



steady, transient






max number of cycles to use


Individual time periods of the simulation are defined using execution_control elements. For a steady state simulation, only one execution_control element will be defined. However, for a transient simulation a series of controls may be defined during which different control values will be used. For a valid execution_controls section at least one execution_control element is required. Any attributes not specified in the execution_control element will use the value defined in the above execution_control_defaults element. The attributes available are:

Attribute Names

Attribute Type

Attribute Values



time value(,unit) (start time for this time period)
(required for each execution_control element)



time value(,unit) (stop time for this time period)
(only required once in execution_controls block)



time value(,unit)



time value(,unit)



factor for reducing time step



factor for increasing time step



steady, transient






max number of cycles to use

Each execution_control element requires a start time. If multiple execution_control elements are defined end times are not required for each element. The start time of the next execution section is used as the end of the previous section. However, at least one end time must defined within the execution_controls block.

Under the structure algorithm, the attribute max_cycles is only valid for transient and transient with static flow execution modes.

Here is an overall example for the execution_control element.

  <verbosity level="high"/>
  <execution_control_defaults init_dt="0.01 s" max_dt="30 y" reduction_factor="0.8" increase_factor="1.25"
                              mode="transient" method="bdf1"/>
  <execution_control start="0 y" end="1956 y" init_dt="0.01 s" max_dt="10.0 y" reduction_factor="0.8"
                     mode="steady" />
  <execution_control start="B-17_RELEASE_BEGIN" />
  <execution_control start="B-17_RELEASE_END" />
  <execution_control start="B-18_RELEASE_BEGIN" />
  <execution_control start="B-18_RELEASE_END" end="3000 y" />

Numerical Controls#

This section allows the user to define control parameters associated with the underlying numerical implementation. The list of available options is lengthy. However, none are required for a valid input file. The numerical_controls section is divided up into the subsections: common_controls, and unstructured_controls. The common_controls section is currently empty. However, in future versions controls that are common between the unstructured and structured executions will be moved to this section and given common terminology.

    Required Elements: unstructured_controls
    Optional Elements: comments, common_controls


The section is currently empty. However, in future versions controls that are common between the unstructured and structured executions will be moved to this section and given common terminology.


The unstructured_controls sections is divided in the subsections specific to the process kernels and the numerical solver mode. The section header, unstructured_controls is required. However, no options within the sections are required. The list of available options is as follows:

    Required Elements: none
    Optional Elements: unstr_flow_controls, unstr_transport_controls, unstr_chemistry_controls,
                       unstr_mechanics_controls, unstr_steady-state_controls, unstr_transient_controls,
                       unstr_linear_solver, unstr_nonlinear_solver, unstr_preconditioners,
                       saturated_linear_solver, constraints_linear_solver, dispersion_linear_solver


unstr_flow_controls specifies numerical controls for the flow process kernel available under the unstructured algorithm. It has the following subelements:

Element Names

Content Type

Content Value



fv-default, fv-monotone,
mfd-default, mfd-optimized_for_sparsity,
mfd-support_operator, mfd-optimized_for_monotonicity,
default = mfd-optimized_for_sparsity



upwind-darcy_velocity, upwind-gravity, upwind-amanzi,
other-arithmetic_average, other-harmonic_average
default = upwind-darcy_velocity



every_timestep and every_nonlinear_iteration
default = every_timestep



diffusion_operator, linearized_operator
default = linearized_operator



value of atmospheric pressure
default = 101325 Pa


unstr_transport_controls specifies numerical controls for the transport process kernel available under the unstructured algorithm. It has the following subelements:

Element Names

Content Type

Content Value



explicit first-order, explicit second-order,
explicit, implicit
default = explicit first-order



1 or 2. Required only for algorith=``explicit``



1, 2, 3 or 4. Required only for alfortihm=``explicit``



on, off
default = on



CFL condition number



tensorial, Kuzmin, Barth-Jespersen
default = tensorial



node-to-cells, face-to-cells,
cell-to-closests-cells, cell-to-all-cells
default = face-to-cells



mfd-monotone_for_hex, mfd-monotone_for_hex,
defaults = are the last two options


unstr_chemistry_controls specifies numerical controls for the chemistry process kernel available under the unstructured algorithm. Currently two chemistry engines are available through Amanzi. They are the Amanzi native chemistry engine or the PFloTran chemistry engine available through the Alquimia interface. Options for both engines are specified here.

The subelements pertaining to the Amanzi native chemistry engine are:

Element Names

Content Type

Content Value



implicit operator split, none



unit, debye-huckel








The subelements pertaining to the pflotran chemistry engine are:

Element Names

Content Type

Content Value



timestep, off













fixed, simple



(use only if method = simple)



(use only if method = simple)



(use only if method = simple)



(use only if method = simple)



constant initial guess



on, off






unstr_mechanics_controls specifies numerical controls for the mechanics process kernel available under the unstructured algorithm. It has the following subelements:

Element Names

Content Type

Content Value



fixed_stress_split, undrained_split



pcg, max_iterations
tolerance, convergence_criteria

Unstr_steady-state_controls and unstr_transient_controls#

The unstr_steady-state_controls and unstr_transient_controls have the same set of elements. The difference lies in the values of parameters. The state state controls are typically more relaxed, since we are intereted only in the quality of the converged solution.

Element Names

Content Type

Content Value



default = 10



default = 15



default = 20



default = 1.0e-5



default = 1.0



default = 5



default = 3



default = 1000.0



default = 1.0



default = 1.0



pressure, residual



default = 1



trilinos_ml, hypre_amg, block_ilu



true, false
default = true



standard, fixed, adaptive,
smarter, from_file
defaults = standard


element block



default = 1.0e-5



default = 100

Specifics about each preconditioner is defined in the Unstr_preconditioners section.

The sequential_tolerance and max_sequential_iterations control convergence of nonlinear solvers in operator spliting methods.

The unstr_initialization is used to calculate an initial pressure or a good guess for the initial pressure (for the steady state execution period). If the unstr_initialization element is present, even without any subelements, initialization is turned on and default values are used. The unstr_initialization is incompatible with the simulation restart. An error will be thrown if both are used. Users should take care to only include the unstr_initialization element when its use is intended. The unstr_initialization has the following subelements:

Element Names

Content Type

Content Value



any, but only positive makes impact



any value bigger than -5 atm



picard, darcy_solver



trilinos_ml, hypre_amg, block_ilu













on, off


Element Names

Content Type

Content Value



gmres, pcg



default = 100



default = 1e-15



trilinos_ml, hypre_amg, block_ilu


The saturated_linear_solver has the same set of the parameters as the unstr_linear_solver. The default values of the parameters are taken from unstr_linear_solver and over-written by that in the saturated_linear_solver.


The constraints_linear_solver has the same set of the parameters as the unstr_linear_solver. The default values of the parameters are taken from unstr_linear_solver and over-written by that in the constraints_linear_solver.


The dispersion_linear_solver has the same set of the parameters as the unstr_linear_solver. The default values of the parameters are taken from unstr_linear_solver and over-written by that in the dispersion_linear_solver.


The nonlinear solver of choice is listed as the attribute name to the unstr_nonlinear_solver element. The available options are: “nka”, “newton”, “jfnk”, or “newton_picard”. Additional subelements are as follows:

Element Names

Content Type

Content Value



true, false
default = false


Options for each available precondition are set in the unstr_preconditioners section. The preconditioners assigned to each numerical solver are specified in the appropriate sections above. Note that only one set of options may be specified for each precondition. If multiple solvers are assigned the preconditioner they will all utilize the same set of options. The unstr_preconditioners element is defined as follows:

    Required Elements: NONE
    Optional Elements: hypre_amg, trilinos_ml, block_ilu

The subelements for the Hyper AMG preconditioner are as follows:

Element Names

Content Type

Content Value



default = 5



default = 3





default = 0.5



default = false

If use_block_indices is true, then Hypre uses the “systems of PDEs” code with blocks given by the internal SuperMap, or one per degree of freedom per entity type.

The subelements for the Trilinos ML preconditioner are as follows:

Element Names

Content Type

Content Value



jacobi, gauss_seidel, ilu
default = jacobi



default = 0.0



default = 3



default = 2

The subelements for the Block ILU preconditioner are as follows:

Element Names

Content Type

Content Value



default = 0



default = 1.0



default = 1.0



default = 0.0



default = 0

An example unstructured_controls section would look as the following:

         <algorithm>explicit first-order</algorithm>
     <unstr_nonlinear_solver name="nka">


Amanzi supports both structured and unstructured numerical solution approaches. This flexibility has a direct impact on the selection and design of the underlying numerical algorithms, the style of the software implementations, and, ultimately, the complexity of the user-interface. The type of simulation is specified in the root tag amanzi_input. For “unstructured”, the mesh element specifies the internal mesh framework to be utilized and whether the mesh is to be internal generated or read in from an Exodus II file. The default mesh framework is MSTK. The other available frameworks are MOAB and simple (in serial).

To internally generate a mesh the mesh element takes the framework attribute.

Also, for parallel unstructured meshes, it is possible to choose a Partitioner from the available options, “metis”, “zoltan_graph” and “zoltan_rcb”. “metis” and “zoltan_graph” perform a graph partitioning of the mesh with no regard to the geometry of the mesh. “zoltan_rcb” partitions meshes using Recursive Coordinate Bisection which can lead to better partitioning in meshes that are thin in a particular direction. Additionally, the use of “zoltan_rcb” with the MSTK framework triggers an option to detect columns of elements in a mesh and adjust the partitioning such that no column is split over multiple partitions. If no partitioner is specified, a default method is used (“metis”). For example:

<mesh framework=["mstk"|"moab"|"simple"]>
   <comments> This is a box mesh in a unit cube </comments>
      <number_of_cells nx="10"  ny="12"  nz="14"/>
      <box low_coordinates="0.0,0.0,0.0"  high_coordinates="1.0,1.0,1.0"/>

Currently Amanzi only read Exodus II mesh files for “unstructured” simulations. An example mesh element would look as the following.

<mesh framework="mstk">
    <format>exodus ii</format>

Note that the format content is case-sensitive and compared against a set of known and acceptable formats. That set is [“exodus ii”, “exodus II”, “Exodus II”, “Exodus ii”, “H5M”, “h5m”]. The set of all options can always be verified by checking the Amanzi schema file.


Regions are geometrical constructs used in Amanzi to define subsets of the computational domain in order to specify the problem to be solved, and the output desired. Regions are commonly used to specify material properties, boundary conditions and observation domains. Regions may represent zero-, one-, two- or three-dimensional subsets of physical space. For a three-dimensional problem, the simulation domain will be a three-dimensional region bounded by a set of two-dimensional regions. If the simulation domain is N-dimensional, the boundary conditions must be specified over a set of regions are (N-1)-dimensional.

Amanzi automatically defines the special region labeled “All”, which is the entire simulation domain.

The regions block is required. Within the region block at least one regions is required to be defined. Most users define at least one region the encompasses the entire domain. The optional elements valid for both structured and unstructured include “region”, “box”, “point”, and “plane”. As in other sections there is also an options comments element.

The elements box, point, and plane allow for in-line description of regions. The region element uses a subelement to either define a “box” or “plane” region or specify a region file. Additional regions are polygonal_surface and logical. Below are further descriptions of these elements.

    Required Elements: NONE
    Optional Elements: comments, box, point, plane, region, region_file,
                       cylinder, halfspace, polygonal_surface, boundary,
                       line_segment, box_volume_fractions, logical

The elements box and point allow for in-line description of regions. The region element uses a subelement to either define a box region or specify a region file.


A box region region is defined by a low corner coordinates and high corner coordinates.

<box name="MY_BOX" low_coordinates="x_low, y_low, z_low"
                   high_coordinates="x_high, y_high, z_high"/>


A point region region is defined by a point coordinates.

<point name="MY_POINT" coordinate="x, y, z" />


A plane region is defined by a point on the plane and the normal direction of the plane

<plane name="MY_PLANE" location="x, y, z" normal="nx, ny, nz"  tolerance="optional exp"/>

The attribute tolerance is optional. This value prescribes a tolerance for determining the cell face centroids that lie on the defined plane.


A “region_file” is defined as follows.

<region_file name="MY_FILE" type="[color|labeled set]" format="exodus ii"
             entity="[cell|face|edge|node]" label="integer"/>

Currently color functions and labeled sets can only be read from Exodus II files. This will likely be the same file specified in the mesh element. Recall that the values for attributes above are case-sensitive. For many attributes within the Amanzi Input Schema the value is tested against a limited set of specific strings. Therefore an user generated input file may generate errors due to a mismatch in cases. Note that all specified names within this schema use lower case.


A region “cylinder” is defined by a point on its axis, direction of the axis and its radius.

<cylinder name="MY_CILYNDER" location="x0, y0, z0" axis="ax, ay, az" radius="double"/>


A region “halfspace” is defined by a point on a place that bound the halfspace and by a outward normal.

<halfspace name="MY_HALFSPACE" location="x0, y0, z0" normal="nx, ny, nz"/>


A polygonal_surface region is used to define a bounded planar region and is specified by the number of points and a list of points. The points must be listed in order and this ordering is maintained during input translation.

<polygonal_surface name="MY_POLYGON" num_points="3" tolerance="optional exp">
  <point> X1, Y1, Z1 </point>
  <point> X2, Y2, Z2 </point>
  <point> X3, Y3, Z3 </point>

The attribute tolerance is optional. This value prescribes a tolerance for determining the cell face centroids that lie on the defined plane.


The region “line_segment” is defined by two end-points points. by a outward normal.

<line_segment name="MY_SEGMENT" end_coordinates="x0, y0, z0"
                                opposite_end_coordinates="x1, y1, y2"/>


The region “boundary” defines the boundary of a computational domain.

<boundary name="MY_BOUNDARY" entity="[face|edge|node]"/>


The region “box_volume_fractions” is the generalization of the region “box”. It allows to define a box that is not alinghed with the system axes. In addition, the region calculates relative volume of the intersection of the box with mesh cells, called volume fractions. For this reason, we need normals to box sides. The normals may be scaled arbitrarily but must be orthogonal to one another and form the right coordinate frame. This is the optional parameter with default values representing columns of the identity matrix.

<box name="MY_BOX" corner_coordinates="x0, y0, z0"
                   opposite_corner_coordinates="x1, y1, z1" normals="n1x, n1y, n1z,
                                                                     n2x, n2y, n2z,
                                                                     n3x, n3y, n3z"/>


A region allows us to wrap up definition of other regions.

<region name="MY_REGION">
    Required Elements: 1 of the following - region_file, box, point
    Optional Elements: comments


Logical regions are compound regions formed from other primitive type regions using boolean operations. Supported operators are union, intersection, subtraction and complement.

<logical name="MY_REGION">
  <region_list>region1, region2, region3<region_list/>


Geochemistry allows users to define a reaction network and constraints to be associated with species defined under the dissolved_components section of the phases block. Amanzi provides access to an internal geochemical engine as well as the Alquimia interface. The Alquimia interface provides access to third-party geochemistry engines. Currently available through Alquimia is the PFloTran and CrunchFlow engines. The user may specify engine specific information using the appropriate subelement.

    Required Elements: NONE
    Optional Elements: verbosity, constraints


The verbosity element sets the verbosity for the geochemistry engine. Available options are silent, terse, verbose, warnings, and errors.


The constraints block is a list of constraint subelements identifying geochemical constraints and any relevant minerals for the reaction network. Currently utilized by the PFloTran engine only. If the attribute input_filename is missing from the process_kernels subelement chemistry, Amanzi will automatically generating the PFloTran engine inputfile including the constraints defined here. The constraints named and/or defined here can be referenced in the initial_conditions and boundary_conditions blocks.

  • Each constraint has a name attribute. If the user is providing the PFloTran input file, the name must match a constraint defined in the file. Otherwise, the subelements defining the constraint must be provided and Amanzi will generate a constraint using this name.

Individual constraints can have an unbounded number of chemical constraints defined under it. The possible constraints are as follows.

  • Primary constraints are specified using the element primary. Attributes include name the name of the primary species, type the constraint type, and value the initial value to be used. For constraints based on equilibrium with a specific mineral or gas, an additional attribute specifying the mineral or gas is expected, mineral or gas respectively. The table below lists the constraint types, which attributes are requires, and the corresponding value of the attribute type. Note, for non-reactive species/solutes, use the type “total”.

  • Mineral constraints are specified using the element mineral. Attributes include name the name of the mineral, volume_fraction the volume fraction, and specific_surface_area the specific surface area.

Constraint Type

Required Attributes

type Value

Free ion




Total aquesous


Total aquesous
+ sorbed


Charge balance


based on


based on


An example of a fully specified constraint is as follows.

  <constraint name="initial">
      <primary name="Tc-99"   value="1e-3"  type="total"/>
      <primary name="H2O"     value="1e-9"  type="mineral" mineral="Calcite"/>
      <primary name="CO2(aq)" value="1e-9"  type="gas" gas="CO2"/>
      <mineral name="Calcite" volume_fraction="1e-3" surface_area="1e-5"/>

Note, if the user has provided a PFloTran input file, all that is required is the following,

  <constraint name="initial"/>

Any additional information provided is for the user’s reference and will be ignored by Amanzi.


The material in this context is meant to represent the media through which fluid phases are transported. In the literature, this is also referred to as the “soil”, “rock”, “matrix”, etc. Properties of the material must be specified over the entire simulation domain, and is carried out using the Region constructs defined above. For example, a single material may be defined over the “All” region (see above), or a set of materials can be defined over subsets of the domain via user-defined regions. If multiple regions are used for this purpose, they should be disjoint, but should collectively tile the entire domain. The materials block is required.


Within the Materials block an unbounded number of material elements can be defined. Each material requires a label and has the following requirements.

    Required Elements: mechanical_properties, permeability or hydraulic_conductivity, assigned_regions
    Optional Elements: comments, cap_pressure, rel_perm, sorption_isotherms, minerals,
                       ion_exchange, surface_complexation, thermal_properties


    Required Elements: porosity
    Optional Elements: particle_density, specific_storage, specific_yield,
                       dispersion_tensor, tortuosity, tortuosity_gas, transport_porosity,
                       poisson_ratio, young_modulus, biot_coefficient,
                       rock_thermal_dilation, liquid_thermal_dilation

The mechanical_properties has multiple elements that can be either values or specified as files. It has the following requirements.

  • porosity, particle_density and transport_porosity are defined in-line using attributes. For instance, porosity is specified in one of three ways: as a value between 0 and 1 using value=”<value>”, through an amanzi RESTART file using type=”file” and filename=”<filename>”, or through an HDF5 file (formatted differently than restart file) using using filename=”<filename>” and “constant_in_time=”true | false”. The dataset label should be the field name.

  • specific_storage is defined in-line using attributes. The available options for attribute model are constant or standard. The first option requires attribute value which must be greater than 0. The second option requires two attributes fluid_compressibility and matrix_compressibility that define fluid and matrix compressibilities, respectively.

  • specific_yeild is defined in-line using attributes. It is specified as a value greater than 0 using value or through a file using type=”file” and filename=”<filename>”.

  • dispersion_tensor is defined in-line using attributes. The attribute type is used to specify either the model to utilize. The available options are: isotropic, bear, burnett_frind, or lichtner_kelkar_robinson. For isotropic values are specified using attribute alpha [m]. For bear values are specified using the attributes alpha_l [m] and alpha_t [m]. For burnett_frind values are specified using the attributes alpha_l [m], alpha_th [m], and alpha_tv [m]. For lichtner_kelkar_robinson values are specified using the attributes alpha_l`h", ``alpha_lv, alpha_th, and alpha_tv.

  • tortuosity is defined in-line using attributes. Either it is specified as a value using value or it specified through a file using filename and type. The file initializtion is not implemented yet.

  • tortuosity_gas is defined in-line using attribute. It is specified as a value using value.

  • poisson_ratio is defined in-line using an attribute. It is specified as a value between 0 and 0.5 using value.

  • young_modulus is defined in-line using an attribute. It is specified as a positive value using value.

  • biot_coefficient is defined in-line using an attribute. It is specified as a politive number less than 1 using value.

  • rock_thermal_dilation is defined in-line using an attribute. It is specified as positive number using value.

  • liquid_thermal_dilation is defined in-line using an attribute. It is specified as positive number using value.

    <porosity value="double"/>
    <particle_density value="double"/>
    <specific_storage value="double"/>
    <specific_yield value="double"/>
    <dispersion_tensor type="bear" alpha_l="double" alpha_t="double"/>
    <tortuosity value="double"/>
    <poisson_ratio value="double"/>
    <young_modulus value="double"/>
    <biot_coefficient value="double"/>
    <rock_thermal_dilation value="double"/>
    <liquid_thermal_dilation value="double"/>


The assigned_regions is a comma separated list of region names for which this material is to be assigned. Region names must be from the regions defined in the regions sections. Region names can contain spaces.

<assigned_regions>Region1, Region_2, Region 3</assigned_regions>


Permeability or hydraulic_conductivity must be specified but not both. If specified as constant values, permeability has the attributes x, y, and z. Permeability may also be extracted from the attributes of an Exodus II file.

<permeability x="double" y="double" z="double" />
<permeability type="file" filename="file name" attribute="attribute name"/>


The hydraulic_conductivity is the hydraulic conductivity and has the attributes x, y, and z. Permeability or hydraulic_conductivity must be specified but not both.

<hydraulic_conductivity x="double" y="double" z="double" />


The cap_pressure is an optional element. The available models are van_genuchten and brooks_corey The model name is specified in an attribute and parameters are specified in a subelement. Model parameters are listed as attributes to the parameter element.

  • van_genuchten parameters include alpha, sr, m, and optional_krel_smoothing_interval.

  • brooks_corey parameters include alpha, sr, lambda, and optional_krel_smoothing_interval.

<cap_pressure model="van_genuchten | brooks_corey" >
    Required Elements: alpha, sr, m (van_genuchten)
    Required Elements: alpha, sr, lambda (brooks_corey)
    Optional Elements: optional_krel_smoothing_interval (van_genuchten and brooks_corey only)


The rel_perm is an optional element. The available models are mualem and burdine. The model name is specified in an attribute and parameters are specified in a subelement. Model parameters are listed as attributes to the parameter element.

  • mualem has no parameters.

  • burdine parameters include exp.

<rel_perm model="mualem | burdine" >
    Required Elements: none
    Optional Elements: exp (burdine only)


The sorption_isotherms is an optional element for providing Kd models and molecular diffusion values for individual solutes. All non-reactive primaries or solutes should be listed under each material. Values of 0 indicate that the primary is not present/active in the current material. The available Kd models are “linear”, “langmuir”, and “freundlich”. Different models and parameters are assigned per solute in sub-elements through attributes. The Kd and molecular diffusion parameters are specified in subelements.

NOTE: Parameters for Kd models may be given either here or as the global parameters in the thermodynamic database section (or a stand-alone xml file). The Kd models described in the material section overwrite any global data provided here and allows for fine control of the soil properties. It is supported currently by the Amanzi geochemical engine.

<primary name="string" />
          Required Elements: none
          Optional Elements: kd_model

The kd_model element takes the following form:

<primary name="string" />
          <kd_model model="linear|langmuir|freundlich" kd="Value" b="Value (langmuir only)" n="Value (freundlich only)" />


For each mineral, the concentrations are specified using the volume fraction and specific surface area using the attributes volume_fraction and specific_surface_area respectively.

    <mineral name="Calcite" volume_fraction="0.1" specific_surface_area="1.0"/>


The ion_exhange block, specified parameters for an ion exchange reaction. Cations active in the reaction are grouped under the element cations. The attribute cec specifies the cation exchange capacity for the reaction. Each cation is listed in a cation subelement with the attributes name and value to specify the cation name and the associated selectivity coefficient.

    <cations cec="750.0">
        <cation name="Ca++" value="0.2953"/>
        <cation name="Mg++" value="0.1666"/>
        <cation name="Na+" value="1.0"/>


The surface_complexation block specifies parameters for surface complexation reactions. Individual reactions are specified using the site block. It has the attributes density and name to specify the site density and the name of the site. Note, the site name must match a surface complexation site in the database file without any leading characters, such as >. The subelement complexes provides a comma seperated list of complexes. Again, the names of the complexes must match names within the datafile without any leading characters.

    <site density="1.908e-3" name="FeOH_s">
        <complexes>FeOHZn+_s, FeOH2+_s, FeO-_s</complexes>
    <site density="7.6355e-2" name="FeOH_w">
        <complexes>FeOHZn+_w, FeO-_w, FeOH2+_w</complexes>


The thermal_properties has two elements.

  • liquid_heat_capacity has two attributes cv and model. The model defines temperature dependence of internal energy. For the linear model, the internal energy has the form cv (T - 273.15).

  • rock_heat_capacity has two attributes cv and model, see above.

   <liquid_heat_capacity cv="76.0" model="linear"/>
   <rock_heat_capacity cv="620.0 J/K/kg" model="linear"/>

Process Kernels#

The process_kernels block specifies which PKs are active. This block is required for a valid input file.

    Required Elements: flow, transport, chemistry, energy, mechanics
    Optional Elements: comments

For each process kernel the element state indicates whether the solution is being calculated or not.

      <flow model="saturated" state="on"/>
      <transport state="on"/>
<chemistry database="farea-full.dat" engine="pflotran" state="on"/>


The flow has the following attributes,

  • state = “on | off”

  • model = “ richards | saturated | constant”

Currently three scenarios are available for calculated the flow field.

  • richards is a single phase, variably saturated flow assuming constant gas pressure.

  • saturated is a single phase, fully saturated flow.

  • constant is equivalent to a flow model of single phase (saturated) with the time integration mode of transient with static flow in the version 1.2.1 input specification. This flow model indicates that the flow field is static so no flow solver is called during time stepping. During initialization the flow field is set in one of two ways: (1) A constant Darcy velocity is specified in the initial condition; (2) Boundary conditions for the flow (e.g., pressure and flux) field are used to solve for the Darcy velocity.


The transport has the following attributes,

  • state = “on | off”

  • algorithm “explicit first-order | explicit second-order | explicit | implicit”

For transport the state must be specified.


The chemistry has the following attributes,

  • state = “on | off”

  • engine = “amanzi | pflotran | crunchflow | none”

  • input_filename is the name of the chemistry engine input file (filename.in). If this is omitted Amanzi will automatically generate this file.

  • database is the name of the chemistry reaction database file (filename.dat).

For chemistry a combination of state and engine must be specified. If state is “off” then engine is set to “none”. Otherwise the engine must be specified.


The energy has the following attributes,

  • state = “on | off”

  • model = “ one-phase energy | two-phase energy”

Currently three scenarios are available for calculated the flow field.

  • one-phase energy is a single phase thermal flows.

  • two-phase energy is a two-phase (liquid, water-vapor) thermal flow.


The mechanics has the following attributes,

  • state = “on | off”

  • model = “ elastic”

Currently only elastic model is support at this level. A small strain model is supported in the Native Spec.


Some general discussion of the Phases section goes here.

    Required Elements: liquid_phase
    Optional Elements: solid_phase, gas_phase


The liquid_phase has the following elements

    Required Elements: viscosity, density, molar_mass
    Optional Elements: dissolved_components

Here is more info on the liquid_phase elements:

  • viscosity = “double”

  • density = “double”

  • molar_mass = “double”

  • dissolved_components has the following elements

    • primaries

    • secondaries

    • redox

The subelement primaries is used for specifying reactive and non-reactive primary species. An unbounded number of subelements primary can be specified. The text body of the element lists the name of the primary. Note, the name of the primary must match a species in the database file. The primary element has the following attributes:

  • coefficient_of_diffusion = “double”, this is an optional attribute

  • first_order_decay_constant = “double”, this is an optional attribute

  • forward_rate = “double”, this is a required attribute when being used with non-reactive primaries/solutes and automatically generating the chemistry engine input file

  • backward_rate = “double”, this is a required attribute when being used with non-reactive primaries/solutes and automatically generating the chemistry engine input file

The subelement secondaries is used for specifying secondaries species for reactive chemistry. An unbounded number of sublements secondary can be specified. The body of the element lists the name of the secondary species. Note, the name of the secondary must match a species in the database file.

The subelement redox is used for specifying chemical reactions in which the oxidation states of atoms are changed. An unbounded number of sublements primary can be specified. The body of the element lists the name of the secondary species. Note, the name of the primary must match a species in the database file.


The solid_phase has the following elements

    Required Elements: minerals
    Optional Elements: NONE

Here is more info on the solid_phase elements:

  • minerals has the element

    • mineral which contains the name of the mineral. Note, the name of the mineral must match a species in the database file.

Initial Conditions#

The initial_condition section is used to provide available field values at the beginning of a simulation. This section requires at least 1 and up to an unbounded number of initial_condition elements. Each initial_condition element defines a single initial condition that is applied to one or more region. The following is a description of the initial_condition element.

    Required Elements: assigned_regions
    Optional Elements: liquid_phase, gas_phase, uniform_temperature

The uniform_temperature element is placed here temporaty and can be relocated in the future.


The assigned_regions is a comma separated list of regions to apply the initial condition to.


The liquid_phase has the following elements

    Required Elements: liquid_component
    Optional Elements: geochemistry_component, solute_component

Here is the list of elements of the liquid_component block:

  • uniform_pressure is defined in-line using attributes. Uniform specifies that the initial condition is uniform in space. Value specifies the value of the pressure.

  • linear_pressure is defined in-line using attributes. Linear specifies that the initial condition is linear in space. The gradient specifies the gradient value in each direction in the form of a coordinate (grad_x, grad_y, grad_z). The reference_coord specifies a location of known pressure value. The value specifies the known pressure value.

  • uniform_saturation is defined in-line using attributes. See uniform_pressure for details.

  • linear_saturation is defined in-line using attributes. See linear_pressure for details.

  • velocity is defined in-line using attributes. Specify the velocity is each direction using the appropriate attributes x, y, and z. The same attributes should appear in the optional coordinate_system element.

<uniform_pressure name="some name" value="double" />
<linear_pressure name="some name" value="double" reference_coord="coordinate" gradient="coordinate"/>
<uniform_saturation name="some name" value="double" />
<linear_saturation name="some name" value="double" reference_coord="coordinate" gradient="coordinate"/>
<velocity name="some name" x="double" y="double" z="double"/>

Here is more info on the geochemistry_component block:

  • geochemistry_component appears once. An unbounded number of subelements constraint are used specify geochemical constraints to be applied at the beginning of the simulation. Each constraint has an attribute name. The specified constraint must be defined in the external geochemistry file and the name must match.

    <constraint name="initial"/>

The solute_component is used currently by Amanzi’s native chemistry. It will be re-structured and potentially elliminated.


The solid_phase has the following elements. This element is NOT IMPLEMENTED YET.

    Required Elements: geochemistry - SKIPPED
    Optional Elements: mineral, geochemistry - BOTH SKIPPED

Here is more info on the solid_phase elements:

  • mineral has the element

    • mineral which contains the name of the mineral

  • geochemistry is an element with the following subelement:

    • constraint is an element with the following attributes: uniform.

Boundary Conditions#

The boundary_condition section provides either values or instructions for setting up boundary conditions. This section contains an unbounded number of boundary_condition elements. Each boundary_condition element defines a single initial condition that is applied to one or more region. The following is a description of the boundary_condition element.

    Required Elements: assigned_regions, liquid_phase
    Optional Elements: thermal_component, mechanics_component, comments


The assigned_regions is a comma separated list of regions to apply the initial condition to.


The liquid_phase has the following elements

    Required Elements: liquid_component
    Optional Elements: geochemistry_component, solute_component

Here is more info on the liquid_component elements:

  • inward_mass_flux is defined in-line using attributes. There are three set of attributes. The first set include function, start, and value. The function specifies linear or constant temporal functional form during each time interval. The start is a series of time values at which time intervals start. The value is the value of the inward_mass_flux during the time interval. The second set includes filename, times, and values. The filename specifies HDF5 files with piecewise constant tabular data in the format (start time, value). Lists of start times and respected values are taked from datasets labeled as times and values, respectively. The third set includes formula and start.

  • outward_mass_flux is defined in-line using attributes. See inward_mass_flux for details.

  • inward_mass_flux_distributed is defined in-line using attributes. It specifies total mass flux through region which is disctributed using volume weighting. See inward_mass_flux for details.

  • inward_volumetric_flux is defined in-line using attributes. See inward_mass_flux for details.

  • outward_volumetric_flux is defined in-line using attributes. See inward_mass_flux for details.

  • uniform_pressure is defined in-line using attributes. Uniform refers to a constant pressure. See inward_mass_flux for details.

  • seepage_face is defined in-line using attributes. The required attributes include function, start, value, and inward_mass_flux. The first three are described abobe. The inward_mass_flux is the value of the inward mass flux during the time interval.

  • hydrostatic is an element with the attributes below. By default the coordinate_system is set to absolute. Not specifying the attribute will result in the default value being used. The attribute submodel is optional. If not specified the submodel options will not be utilized.

  • no_flow is defined in-line using attributes. The attributes include function and start. Function specifies linear or constant temporal functional form during each time interval. Start is a series of time values at which time intervals start.

The global boundary conditions that do not require the function element:

  • linear_pressure is defined in-line using attributes. Linear refers to linear pressure field. The gradient specifies the gradient value in each direction in the form of a coordinate (grad_x, grad_y, grad_z). The reference_coord specifies a reference location as a coordinate. The value specifies a reference value for the boundary condition.

  • linear_hydrostatic is defined in-line using attributes. Linear refers to linear in spatial dimension. The gradient specifies the gradient value in each direction in the form of a coordinate (grad_x, grad_y, grad_z). The reference_coord specifies a reference location as a coordinate. The reference_water_table_height specifies a reference value for the water table. Optionally, the attribute submodel can be used to specify no flow above the water table height.

The solte_component is used by Amanzi’s native chemistry. It may be re-factored in the future. Here is more info on the solute_component elements:

  • aqueous_conc is defined in-line using attributes. The attributes include name, function, start, and value. The name specifies solute and must match the list of primary species. The function specifies linear or constant temporal functional form during each time interval. The start is a series of time values at which time intervals start. The value is the value of the inward_mass_flux during the time interval.

<inward_mass_flux value="double" function="linear | constant" start="time" />
<outward_mass_flux value="double" function="linear | constant" start="time" />
<inward_volumetric_flux value="double" function="linear | constant" start="time" />
<outward_volumetric_flux value="double" function="linear | constant" start="time" />
<uniform_pressure name="some name" value="double" function="linear | constant" start="time" />
<seepage_face inward_mass_flux="double" function="linear | constant" start="time" />
<hydrostatic name="some name" value="double" function="uniform | constant" start="time"
             coordinate_system="absolute | relative to mesh top" submodel="no_flow_above_water_table | none"/>
<no_flow function="linear | constant" start="time" />
<linear_pressure name="some name" gradient="coordinate" reference_coord="coordinate" value="double" />
<linear_hydrostatic name="some name" gradient="double" reference_coord="coordinate"
                    reference_water_table_height="double" submodel="no_flow_above_water_table | none"/>

Here is more info on the geochemistry_component elements:

  • constraint is an element with the following attributes: name, function, and start. If function is not specified and there is a geochemical constraint of the given name in the geochemistry top-level element, information for that constraint will be taken from the geochemical engine.

<constraint name="some name" start="time" function="constant"/>


The thermal_component has the following elements:

  • uniform_temperature is defined in-line using attributes. The attributes include function, start, and value. The function specifies linear or constant temporal functional form during each time interval. The start is a series of time values at which time intervals start. The value is the temperature value during the time interval.

<uniform_temperature start="time" function="constant" value="double" />


The mechanics_component has the following elements:

  • displacement is defined in-line using attributes. The attributes include function, start, and vector. The function specifies linear or constant temporal functional form during each time interval. The start is a value at which time intervals start. The vector is the displacement vector during the time interval.

  • traction is defined in-line using attributes. The attributes include function, start, and vector. The function specifies linear or constant temporal functional form during each time interval. The start is a value at which time intervals start. The vector is the traction vector during the time interval.

  • kinematic is defined in-line using attributes. The attributes include function, start, and value. The function specifies linear or constant temporal functional form during each time interval. The start is a value at which time intervals start. The value is the normal displacement value during the time interval.

<displacement function="linear" start="time" vector="double, double"/>
<traction function="constant" start="time" vector="double, double, double"/>


Sources are defined in a similar manner to the boundary conditions. Under the tag sources an unbounded number of individual source elements can be defined. Within each source element the assigned_regions and liquid_phase elements must appear. Sources can be applied to one or more region using a comma separated list of region names. Under the liquid_phase element the liquid_component element must be define. An unbounded number of solute_component elements and one geochemistry_component element may optionally be defined.

Under the liquid_component and solute_component elements a time series of boundary conditions is defined using the boundary condition elements available in the table below. Each component element can only contain one type of source. Both elements also accept a name attribute to indicate the phase associated with the source.

    Required Elements: assigned_regions, liquid_phase
    Optional Elements: comments, geochemistry_component


The``assigned_regions`` is a comma separated list of regions to apply the source to.


The liquid_phase has the following elements

    Required Elements: liquid_component
    Optional Elements: solute_component, geochemistry_component

Here is more info on the liquid_component elements:

  • volume_weighted is defined in-line using attributes. The attributes include function, start, and value. The function specifies linear or constant temporal functional form during each time interval. The start is a series of time values at which time intervals start. The value is the value of the volume_weighted during the time interval.

  • perm_weighted is defined in-line using attributes. See volume_weighted for details.

  • uniform is defined in-line using attributes. See volume_weighted for details.

  • peaceman_well is defined in-line using attributes. See volume_weighted for details. Additional attributes include radius and depth.

Here is more info on the solute_component elements:

  • uniform_conc is defined in-line using attributes. The attributes include name, function, start, and value. The name is the name of a previously defined solute. The function specifies linear or constant temporal functional form during each time interval. The start is a series of time values at which time intervals start. The value is the value of the uniform_conc during the time interval.

  • flow_weighted_conc is defined in-line using attributes. See uniform_conc for details.

  • perm_weighted is defined in-line using attributes. See uniform_conc for details.

  • volume_weighted is defined in-line using attributes. The source term is measured in [mol/m^3/s]. See uniform_conc for details.

  • flow_mass_fraction_conc is defined in-line using attributes. See uniform_conc for details.

  • diffusion_dominated_release is defined in-line using attributes. The attributes include name, start, total_inventory, mixing_length, and effective_diffusion_coefficient. The name is the name of a previously defined solute. The start is a series of time values at which time intervals start. The value is the value of the diffusion_dominated_release during the time interval.

Fracture Network#

Fracture network describes a reactive flow and transport problem on a non-manifold. It contains a few required and optional elements that are quite similar to that described above for the subsurface. For documentation completness of the documentation, we repeat the description here.

    Required Elements: materials, initial_conditions
    Optional Elements: boundary_conditions, sources


The material in this context is meant to represent a part of the fracture network through which fluid phases are transported. Properties of the material must be specified over the entire fracture domain, and is carried out using partion of this network into a few non-overlapping regions.


Within the Materials block an unbounded number of material elements can be defined. Each material requires a label and has the following requirements.

    Required Elements: mechanical_properties, fracture_permeability, assigned_regions
    Optional Elements: comments, thermal_properties, fracture_conductivity
    Required Elements: porosity
    Optional Elements: particle_density, specific_storage

The mechanical_properties has multiple elements that can be either values or specified as files. It has the following requirements.

  • porosity, particle_density and specific_storage are defined in-line using attributes. For instance porosity is specified in one of three ways: as a value between 0 and 1 using value=”<value>”, through an amanzi RESTART file using type=”file” and filename=”<filename>”, or through an HDF5 file (formatted differently than restart file) using using filename=”<filename>” and “constant_in_time=”true | false”. The dataset label should be the field name.

  • specific_storage is defined in-line using attributes. Either it is specified as a value greater than 0 using value or it specified through a file using type=”file” and filename=”<filename>”.

    <porosity value="double"/>
    <particle_density value="double"/>
    <specific_storage value="double"/>

The assigned_regions is a comma separated list of region names for which this material is to be assigned. Region names must be from the regions defined in the regions sections. Region names can contain spaces.

<assigned_regions>Region1, Region_2, Region 3</assigned_regions>

Fracture permeability is specified as constant values, using three parameters: model, aperture, and normal. The parameter model has only one admissible value cubic law. The parameter aperture defines either a constant fracture aperture or variable aperture using filename. The parameter normal defines a constant normal permeability.

<fracture_permeability model="cubic law" aperture="3e-5" normal="2.0"/>

The thermal_properties has two elements.

  • liquid_heat_capacity has two attributes cv and model. The model defines temperature dependence of internal energy. For the linear model, the internal energy has the form cv (T - 273.15).

  • rock_heat_capacity has two attributes cv and model, see above.

   <liquid_heat_capacity cv="76.0" model="linear"/>
   <rock_heat_capacity cv="620.0 J/K/kg" model="linear"/>

Fracture thermal conductivity has only one parameter normal that defines the normal conductivity.

<fracture_conductivity normal="100.0"/>

Initial Conditions#

The initial_condition section is used to provide available field values at the beginning of a simulation. This section requires at least 1 and up to an unbounded number of initial_condition elements. Each initial_condition element defines a single initial condition that is applied to one or more region.

    Required Elements: assigned_regions
    Optional Elements: liquid_phase, uniform_temperature

The uniform_temperature element is placed here temporaty and can be relocated in the future.


The assigned_regions is a comma separated list of regions to apply the initial condition to.


The liquid_phase has the following elements

    Required Elements: liquid_component
    Optional Elements: solute_component

Here is the list of elements of the liquid_component block:

  • uniform_pressure is defined in-line using attributes. Uniform specifies that the initial condition is uniform in space. Value specifies the value of the pressure.

  • linear_pressure is defined in-line using attributes. Linear specifies that the initial condition is linear in space. The gradient specifies the gradient value in each direction in the form of a coordinate (grad_x, grad_y, grad_z). The reference_coord specifies a location of known pressure value. The value specifies the known pressure value.

Boundary Conditions#

The boundary_condition section is used to provide available field values at the beginning of a simulation.


Output data from Amanzi is currently organized into four specific elements: vis, checkpoint, observations, and walkabout. Each of these is controlled in different ways, reflecting their intended use.

  • vis is intended to represent snapshots of the solution at defined instances during the simulation to be visualized. The vis element defines the naming and frequencies of saving the visualization files. The visualization files may include only a fraction of the state data, and may contain auxiliary “derived” information (see elsewhere for more discussion).

  • checkpoint is intended to represent all that is necessary to repeat or continue an Amanzi run. The specific data contained in a checkpoint data dump is specific to the algorithm options and mesh framework selected. checkpoint is special in that no interpolation is performed prior to writing the data files; the raw binary state is necessary. As a result, the user is allowed to only write checkpoint at the discrete intervals of the simulation. The checkpoint element defines the naming and frequencies of saving the checkpoint files.

  • observations is intended to represent diagnostic values to be returned to the calling routine from Amanzi’s simulation driver. Observations are typically generated at arbitrary times, and frequently involve various point samplings and volumetric reductions that are interpolated in time to the desired instant. Observations may involve derived quantities (see discussion below) or state fields. The observations element may define one or more specific observation.

  • walkabout is intended to be used as input to the particle tracking software Walkabout.

NOTE: Each output type allows the user to specify the base_filename for the output to be written to. The string format of the element allows the user to specify the relative path of the file. It should be noted that the Amanzi I/O library does not create any new directories. Therefore, if a relative path to a location other than the current directory is specified Amanzi assumes the user (or the Agni controller) has already created any new directories. If the relative path does not exist the user will see error messages from the HDF5 library indicating failure to create and open the output file.


The vis element defines the visualization file naming scheme and how often to write out the files. Thus, the vis element has the following requirements

    Required Elements: base_filename, num_digits
    Optional Elements: time_macros, cycle_macros, time_units

The base_filename element contains the text component of the how the visualization files will be named. The base_filename is appended with an index number to indicate the sequential order of the visualization files. The num_digits element indicates how many digits to use for the index. See the about NOTE about specifying a file location other than the current working directory.

The presence of the vis element means that visualization files will be written out after cycle 0 and the final cycle of the simulation. The optional elements time_macros or cycle_macros indicate additional points during the simulation at which visualization files are to be written out. Both elements allow one or more of the appropriate type of macro to be listed. These macros will be determine the appropriate times or cycles to write out visualization files. See the Definitions section for defining individual macros.

The vis element also includes an optional subelement write_regions. This was primarily implemented for debugging purposes but is also useful for visualizing fields only on specific regions. The subelement accepts an arbitrary number of subelements named field, with attributes name (a string) and regions (a comma separated list of region names). For each such subelement, a field will be created in the vis files using the name as a label. The field will be initialized to 0, and then, for region list R1, R2, R3…, cells in R1 will be set to 1, cells in R2 will be set to 2, etc. When regions in the list overlap, later ones in the list will take precedence.

The vis element also includes an optional boolean subelement write_partition. This is useful for visualizing parallel mesh partition.

The times_units indicates format of time units, e.g. y for years (default) or h for hours.

The output is controlled by two parameters whitelist and blacklist. The latter denies output for the specified list of fields. The former allows output for the specified list of fields. The blacklist is applied first. Standard regular expressuion rules can be used, e.g. (secondary_)(.)* skips all fields those names start with secondary_.


   <time_macros>Macro 1</time_macros>
     <field name="Region List 1" regions="R1, R2, R3" />
     <field name="Region List 2" regions="All" />


The checkpoint element defines the file naming scheme and frequency for writing out the checkpoint files. As mentioned above, the user does not influence what is written to the checkpoint files. Thus, the checkpoint element has the following requirements

    Required Elements: base_filename, num_digits, cycle_macros
    Optional Elements: NONE

The base_filename element contain the text component of the how the checkpoint files will be named. The base_filename is appended with an index number to indicate the sequential order of the checkpoint files. The num_digits elements indicates how many digits to use for the iteration count. Final the cycle_macros element indicates the previously defined cycle_macro to be used to determine the frequency at which to write the checkpoint files. Multiple cycle macros may be specified in a comma separated list. See the NOTE about specifying a file location other than the current working directory.

NOTE: Previously the walkabout element had the subelement cycle_macro. All output is moving away from only allowing a single macro to be specified to allowing multiple macros as a comma separated list. To ease the transition for users both singular and plural are currently accepted. However, the singular option will go away in the future. Please update existing input files to use cycle_macros.




The observations element holds all the observations that the user is requesting from Amanzi, as well as meta data, such as the name of the file that Amanzi will write observations to. The observations are collected by their phase. Thus, the observations element has the following requirements

  Required Elements: filename, liquid_phase
  Optional Elements: NONE

The filename element contains the filename for the observation output, and may include the full path. Currently, all observations are written to the same file. See the about NOTE about specifying a file location other than the current working directory.

The liquid_phase element requires that the name of the phase be specified as an attribute and at least one observation. The observation element is named according to what is being observed. The observations elements available are as follows:

<liquid_phase name="Name of Phase (Required)">
  Required Elements: NONE
  Optional Elements: integrated_mass [S], volumetric_water_content, gravimetric_water_content, aqueous_pressure,
                     x_aqueous_volumetric_flux, y_aqueous_volumetric_flux, z_aqueous_volumetric_flux, material_id,
                     hydraulic_head, aqueous_mass_flow_rate, aqueous_volumetric_flow_rate, aqueous_conc, sorbed_conc,
                     drawdown, water_table, solute_volumetric_flow_rate, solute_breakthrough_curev, ph, free_ion_conc

The observation element identifies the field quantity to be observed. Subelements identify the elements for a region, a model (functional) with which it will extract its source data, and a list of discrete times for its evaluation. The observations are evaluated during the simulation and returned to the calling process through one of Amanzi arguments. The elements for each observation type are as follows:

  Required Elements: assigned_region, functional, time_macros or cycle_macros
  Optional Elements: NONE

The only exceptions are aqueous_conc, sorbed_conc, free_ion_conc, solute_volumetric_flow_rate, and solute_breakthrough_curve which require a solute to be specified. An attribute solute gives the name of the solute to calculate the aqueous concentration or volumetric flow rate for. Be sure the name of given for the solute matches a defined solute elsewhere in the input file. The following observations are integrated continuously in time but saved only at specified times: solute_breakthrough_curve.

NOTE: Previously individual observation elements had the subelement cycle_macro or time_macro. All output is moving away from only allowing a single macro to be specified to allowing multiple macros as a comma separated list. To ease the transition for users both singular and plural are currently accepted. However, the singular option will go away in the future. Please update existing input files to use cycle_macros or time_macros.

NOTE: Observation water_table calculates maximum position of the water table (using a piecewise linear interpolation of cell-based pressures) in a given volume region. If the region is saturated, the code returns 1.0e+99. If the region is dry, the code returns -1.0e+99.


    <liquid_phase name="water">
      <sorbed_conc solute="Ca">


The walkabout element defines the file naming scheme and frequency for writing out the walkabout files. As mentioned above, the user does not influence what is written to the walkabout files only the writing frequency and naming scheme. Thus, the walkabout element has the following requirements

    Required Elements: base_filename, num_digits, cycle_macros
    Optional Elements: NONE

The base_filename element contain the text component of the how the walkabout files will be named. The base_filename is appended with an index number to indicate the sequential order of the walkabout files. The num_digits elements indicates how many digits to use for the index. Final the cycle_macros element indicates the previously defined cycle_macro to be used to determine the frequency at which to write the walkabout files. See the about NOTE about specifying a file location other than the current working directory.

NOTE: Previously the walkabout element had the subelement cycle_macro. All output is moving away from only allowing a single macro to be specified to allowing multiple macros as a comma separated list. To ease the transition for users both singular and plural are currently accepted. However, the singular option will go away in the future. Please update existing input files to use cycle_macros.




This section includes a collection of miscellaneous global options, specified as root tags. Each of these options has a default behavior that will occur if the parameter is omitted. If the parameter appears with no attributes specified, the default values for the attributes will be assumed.

<echo_translated_input file_name="some name"/>

Write the input data after internal translation. If this parameter is missing, the default XML file “XXX_native_v7.xml” is written, where “XXX.xml” is the name of the original Amanzi input file. If this parameter is present but attribute file_name is either omitted of empty string, no translated file is written.

Full Example#

<amanzi_input type="unstructured" version="2.3.2">
    <echo_translated_input format="unstructured_native" file_name="oldspec.xml"/>

  <model_description name="example of full unstructured schema">
    <comments>Example input file </comments>

      <time_macro name="Observation Times">
      <time_macro name="EveryMonth">
      <cycle_macro name="Every100Cycles">

    <comments>Variably saturated flow</comments>
    <flow model="richards" state="on"/>
    <transport state="on"/>
    <chemistry engine="none" state="off"/>

    <liquid_phase name="water">
              <primary coefficient_of_diffusion="1e-9">Tc-99</primary>

    <verbosity level="high"/>
    <execution_control_defaults init_dt="1.0" method="picard" mode="steady" />
    <execution_control end="1956,y" mode="steady" start="0.0" init_dt="1000.0"/>
    <execution_control end="3000,y" mode="transient" start="1956,y" />



        <algorithm>explicit first-order</algorithm>





        <hypre_amg />
        <trilinos_ml />
        <block_ilu />


  <mesh framework="mstk">
      <number_of_cells nx="54" nz="60"/>
      <box high_coordinates="216.0,120.0" low_coordinates="0.0, 0.0"/>

    <region name="All">
      <box high_coordinates="216.0, 120.0" low_coordinates="0.0, 0.0" />
    <region name="Bottom Surface">
      <box high_coordinates="216.0, 0.0" low_coordinates="0.0, 0.0" />
    <region name="RegionBottom">
      <box high_coordinates="216.0, 40.0" low_coordinates="0.0, 0.0" />
    <region name="RegionMiddle">
      <box high_coordinates="216.0, 80.0" low_coordinates="0.0, 40.0" />
    <region name="RegionTop">
      <box high_coordinates="216.0, 120.0" low_coordinates="0.0, 80.0" />
    <region name="Recharge_Boundary_WestOfCribs">
      <box high_coordinates="72.0, 120.0" low_coordinates="0.0, 120.0" />
    <region name="Crib_216-B-17">
      <box high_coordinates="80.0, 120.0" low_coordinates="72.0, 120.0" />
    <region name="Recharge_Boundary_btwnCribs">
      <box high_coordinates="136.0, 120.0" low_coordinates="80.0, 120.0" />
    <region name="Crib_216-B-18">
      <box high_coordinates="148.0, 120.0" low_coordinates="136.0, 120.0" />
    <region name="Recharge_Boundary_EastOfCribs">
      <box high_coordinates="216.0, 120.0" low_coordinates="148.0, 120.0" />
    <region name="Well">
      <box high_coordinates="112.0, 60.0" low_coordinates="108.0, 40.0" />

    <material name="Facies_1">
        <porosity value="0.4082"/>
      <permeability x="1.9976E-12" z="1.9976E-13" />
      <cap_pressure model="van_genuchten">
        <parameters alpha="1.9467E-04" m="0.2294" sr="0.0"/>
      <rel_perm model="mualem"/>

    <material name="Facies_2">
        <porosity value="0.2206"/>
      <permeability x="6.9365E-11" z="6.9365E-12" />
      <cap_pressure model="van_genuchten">
        <parameters alpha="2.0260E-03" m="0.2136" sr="0.0"/>
      <rel_perm model="mualem"/>

    <material name="Facies_3">
        <porosity value="0.2340"/>
      <permeability x="2.0706E-09" z="2.0706E-10" />
      <cap_pressure model="van_genuchten">
        <parameters alpha="2.0674E-03" m="0.3006" sr="0.0"/>
      <rel_perm model="mualem"/>

          <constraint name="initial">
              <primary name="Tc-99" type="total" value="0.0"/>
          <constraint name="Crib_216-B-17">
              <primary name="Tc-99" type="total" value="1.881389E-06"/>
          <constraint name="Crib_216-B-18">
              <primary name="Tc-99" type="total" value="2.266885E-06"/>
    <initial_condition name="All">
      <liquid_phase name="water">
        <liquid_component name="water">
          <linear_pressure name="IC1" value="101325.0" reference_coord="0.0, 0.0" gradient="0,-9793.5192" />
          <constraint name="initial"/>

    <boundary_condition name="BC For Bottom Surface">
      <assigned_regions>Bottom Surface</assigned_regions>
      <liquid_phase name="water">
        <liquid_component name="water">
          <hydrostatic function="constant" start="0.0" value="0.0"/>
          <constraint function="constant" name="initial" start="0.0 y"/>

    <boundary_condition name="BC For Crib_216-B-17">
      <liquid_phase name="water">
        <liquid_component name="water">
          <inward_volumetric_flux value="1.1071e-10" function="constant" start="0.0" />
          <inward_volumetric_flux value="0.00254022e-3" function="constant" start="6.17266656e+10" />
          <inward_volumetric_flux value="1.48666E-9" function="constant" start="6.1729344E10" />
          <inward_volumetric_flux value="1.48666E-9" function="constant" start="9.4672798E10" />
          <constraint function="constant" name="initial" start="0.0"/>
          <constraint function="constant" name="Crib_216-B-17" start="6.17266656e+10"/>
          <constraint function="constant" name="initial" start="6.1729344E10"/>

    <boundary_condition name="BC For Crib_216-B-18">
      <liquid_phase name="water">
        <liquid_component name="water">
          <inward_volumetric_flux value="1.1071E-10" function="constant" start="0.0" />
          <inward_volumetric_flux value="1.48666E-9" function="constant" start="6.17266656e+10" />
          <inward_volumetric_flux value="0.00330423e-3" function="constant" start="6.173178481E10" />
          <inward_volumetric_flux value="1.48666E-9" function="constant" start="6.173705521E10" />
          <inward_volumetric_flux value="1.48666E-9" function="constant" start="9.4672798E10" />
          <constraint function="constant" name="initial" start="0.0"/>
          <constraint function="constant" name="Crib_216-B-17" start="6.173178481E10"/>
          <constraint function="constant" name="initial" start="6.173705521E10"/>

    <boundary_condition name="BC Rest">
      <liquid_phase name="water">
        <liquid_component name="water">
          <inward_volumetric_flux value="1.1071E-10" function="constant" start="0.0" />
          <inward_volumetric_flux value="1.48666E-9" function="constant" start="6.17266656e+10" />
          <constraint function="constant" name="initial" start="0.0 y"/>
